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This tab contains the majority of the content on the site (posts and events) about the efforts of the Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Education and Public Outreach (E/PO) Community to share the story, the science, and the adventure of NASA’s scientific explorations of our home planet, the solar system, and the universe beyond. The content can be filtered in several ways to narrow down what you see using the filters on the left sidebar, allowing you to navigate to specific content quickly and easily!

Deborah Scherrer

  ASP Bylaws change

October 18, 2014 – 12:28 PM CDT

Our SMDEPO forum occasionally coordinates with the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, such as hosting retreats along with ASP conferences.   If you are also a member of the ASP, this might interest you.

The ASP has asked members to vote on potential Bylaws changes for the organization.  There are some significant and important changes being proposed:

  1. The concept of membership involvement in the organization is going away.  Members no longer have any rights or ability to…

The Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and Queens College have partnered to provide teachers with a FREE 3 day STEM training on November 14th, 15th and 16th that will provide teachers and schools with GLOBE certification. If you are the first teacher from your school to be certified in GLOBE you will receive a bundle of science instruments and equipment worth $600.00, courtesy Con Edison. 

Day one will be held at the offices of NASA-Goddard…

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NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum have partnered to provide educators a Free STEM workshop that will train educators to implement the BEST (Beginning Engineering, Science and Technology) curriculum into their classrooms and educational programs. Participants will receive a Free BEST lab materials kit and training from Intrepid’s STEM education programs. BEST meets many of the standards associated with the Common Core Standards, Next…

Calling all educators! Are you looking for ideas to create new and exciting programs for your audiences? Celestial events (eclipses, meteor showers, etc.) are seen frequently from Earth while, in this age of planetary exploration, NASA spacecraft are often reaching important mission milestones. Use these celestial events and NASA mission milestones as unique opportunities to engage your audiences in solar system science and exploration! The Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston, TX…

These slide sets are the pilot examples of a series of slide sets the NASA SMD E/PO Astrophysics Forum is developing to help Astro 101 instructors bring the latest NASA discoveries into their classrooms!

After considerable discussion during and following the Cosmos in the Classroom SIG on July 23, 2013, we have incorpoarted instructors' feedback on their needs.


Updated Instructor's Guide and 2 slide sets have passed NASA Product Review. They are available for…

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Astrophysics E/PO Community Tag-Up

September 23, 2014


Next Tag-Up


The date for the next Astro E/PO Community Tag-Up will be October 21, 2014 at 2 pm ET / 1 pm CT / 12 pm MT / 11 am PT


A.  NASA Updates

B. Communications Telecon Update

C.  Informal Education Working Group Survey Results

D.  AAS Planning

E.  Forum-Community Updates:  Astro 101 Slide Sets


A.  NASA Updates (Hashima Hasan)




There are currently no final…

Attached are the notes and PowerPoint from the September 11, 2014 Planetary Science E/PO Community Tag-Up.

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The following notice was posted today at

Notice of Intent to release a draft Cooperative Agreement Notice for NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Science Education

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Science Mission Directorate (SMD) intends to release a draft Cooperative Agreement Notice (CAN) soliciting team-based proposals for science education. We anticipate that the draft will be downloadable by the end of the month from the…

Heather Dalton

  NASA SMD Speaker’s Bureau

October 8, 2014 – 3:51 PM CDT

The NASA Science Mission Directorate Education and Public Outreach Forums’ Speaker’s Bureau is available for requests and for additional entries by scientists! 

Astronomers, planetary scientists, heliophysicists, and Earth scientists are available to speak with audiences on a variety of topics, from black holes to the search for life, through (If the request is for an astronaut or a presentation about NASA’s human space exploration,…

With all the complex coordinate systems I use in generating near-Earth data visualizations, I needed a way to check if I had done the transformations correctly.

So I generated a simple visualization that displayed the coordinate axes of the different systems and their reference directions.  Since it might be of value to educators, I made it a little nicer than the bare-bones original test version.  A movie, stills and a description of the coordinate systems represented is…

This Earth Science Week, join thousands across the country on a special mission to explore Earth’s connected systems, contribute to citizen science, participate in educator webinars and engage with NASA Earth scientists.

NEW for the 2014 Earth Science Week…




Be part of a real NASA experiment!    One and all are invited to become a “Citizen Scientist” from Oct. 12-18 and contribute to NASA science while learning about clouds and how they affect our…

Theresa Schwerin

  Launch Earth Science Week with NASA!

October 7, 2014 – 10:51 AM CDT

The Oct. 12-18 Earth Science Week is quickly approaching and we need you to help spread the word on NASA events and resources for all ages.  Please share the following information on NASA Earth Science Week activities with your networks and educators! 

FYI – Shareables on #SkyScience are available at the following Flickr album: 

Scroll to the bottom and attached is a document with shareable messages for social media about NASA ESW…

Karin Hauck

  Solar Week

October 6, 2014 – 4:11 PM CDT

Solar Week – Oct 27-31st – is a lively week of online activies, games and curriculum about the Sun for grades 5-9. Interact with leading solar scientists and ask your questions about the Sun-Earth connection.

Astrophysics E/PO Community Tag-Up

August 26, 2014 

Next Tag-Up

The next Astro E/PO Community Tag-Up will be Tuesday, September 23, 2014, at 2 PM ET / 1 PM CT / 12PM MT / 11 AM PT.

A. NASA Updates
B. Retreat and ASP Meeting De-Brief C. Community Survey
D. Forum-Community Updates

A. NASA Updates (Steph Stockman)

Steph reported that a transition team has been convened to develop a plan for how SMD education will function in the future and that Donald James is the…

Astrophysics E/PO Community Tag-Up

July 15, 2014


Next Tag-Up


The date for the next Astro E/PO Community Tag-Up will be announced after the ASP E/PO meeting.


About this Tag-Up:


Community members attending the June AAS meeting in Boston and the June Astrophysics E/PO Community Call raised several questions and concerns about FY15 SMD E/PO funding, the future of SMD E/PO, and whether or not E/PO community members would have an opportunity to provide input…

Whitney Cobb

  Dawn Mission: i C Ceres Event

October 1, 2014 – 4:05 PM CDT

The Dawn Mission E/PO is planning to commemorate the arrival of the spacecraft at dwarf planet Ceres with a festival called i C Ceres. As we did with Vesta Fiesta heralding the mission’s arrival at the giant asteroid in 2011, i C Ceres will provide a forum and resources for events to be held across the country and around the world. Vesta Fiesta recorded over 100 festivals at museums, observatories, and backyards; from the flagship event at the Pasadena Convention Center that highighted…

Heather Dalton

  Comet 2P/Encke Peak Brightness

October 1, 2014 – 3:12 PM CDT

Magnitude 6 at peak brightness

Magnitude 6 at peak brightness

Magnitude 6 at peak brightness.

Magnitude 5 at peak brightness

Heather Dalton

  Perseids meteor shower

October 1, 2014 – 2:00 PM CDT

For the general public, teachers and students.

Heather Dalton

  Geminids meteor shower

October 1, 2014 – 1:54 PM CDT

For the general public, teachers and students.

Heather Dalton

  Orionids meteor shower

October 1, 2014 – 1:23 PM CDT

For the general public, teachers and students.

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