NASA SMD Speaker’s Bureau
Tags: SMD E/PO Community | Educator | Forum Posts | Scientists
The NASA Science Mission Directorate Education and Public Outreach Forums’ Speaker’s Bureau is available for requests and for additional entries by scientists!
Astronomers, planetary scientists, heliophysicists, and Earth scientists are available to speak with audiences on a variety of topics, from black holes to the search for life, through (If the request is for an astronaut or a presentation about NASA’s human space exploration, rockets, or aeronautics programs, please submit the request through the NASA Speakers Bureau, at
Teachers, informal educators, and other organizations and institutions within the United States pull up a list of potential speakers through this online system, which requires the presentation’s location, the style (in person or online), the type and size of the audience, and the topic. The search request can be repeated with changes to the topic as needed. Once a scientist has been selected by the requestor, an email is sent directly to that scientist, inviting him or her to respond to the request directly and to discuss any logistics.
For more information, please contact [email protected].
Posted: October 7, 2014 by Lindsay Bartolone at 2:49 PM CDT
Are you looking for more scientist speakers to sign up?
If so how would they do this?
Posted: October 8, 2014 by Heather Dalton at 3:51 PM CDT
Yes! We would love more scientists to join. There is a link near the top of the speaker request form, or here is the direct link: Thanks!