Welcome to the NASA Science Mission Directorate Education and Public Outreach Community Workspace!

This workspace provides resources to assist individuals funded by NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) in carrying out their SMD education and public outreach programs. Program leads and team members should login to post announcements and calendar events, share work in progress, and participate in group discussions. Information and documents that may be of interest to all, such as tips for getting involved in SMD education and public outreach and meeting notes, may be accessed without logging into the workspace. This site is hosted by the NASA SMD Science Education and Public Outreach Forums.

Information About the Impact of the Administration’s FY14 Budget and Proposed Changes to STEM Education

News from NASA SMD Headquarters

White House to Explain New STEM Strategy to House Committee Next Week

The Obama Administration’s new STEM education strategy, which would move many NASA education activities to other agencies, will be explained to the House Science, Space and Technology Committee next week. The hearing will be held on Jun 4, 2013 at 11:00am PT / 12:00pm MT / 1:00pm CT / 2:00pm ET.

The hearing will be Webcast live here: http://science.house.gov/hearing/full-committee-hearing-stem-education-a….

The Honorable John Holdren, Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), Executive Office of the President

EPOESS on hold pending review

Related topics:

ROSES 2013 Clarifications, corrections and amendments Amendment 11:
Appendix E.4, EPOESS, on hold pending review.
Max Bernstein at 2013-04-24 11:29:14

Community Announcements

American Astronomical Society Releases Statement on NASA SMD EPO

The American Astronomical Society (AAS) has issued a statement addressing the potential elimination of the education and public outreach (EPO) activities in NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, as called for in President Obama’s fiscal year (FY) 2014 budget proposal. http://bit.ly/188XgG9

Employment Opportunity – Instructional Coordinator – Advanced (Albquerque, NM)

(Closing Date May 26, 11:59pm MT)

Center for Astronomy Education (CAE) Teaching Excellence Workshops and Regional Teaching Exchange

CAE Tier I Teaching Excellence Workshops for Current and Future Astronomy and Space Science Instructors:

Forum News

Deadline Extended: LPSC Workshop: First Steps in Program Evaluation – Registration Closes Mon, Mar 11!

Related topics:

Educators and scientists attending LPSC are invited to register to attend a workshop on evaluation of E/PO programs. This FREE workshop is appropriate for all E/PO professionals and scientists who host education events (such as teacher workshops, intern experiences, and public outreach events) and faculty teaching K–12 and undergraduate classes. The workshop is designed as a starting point for learning about program evaluation, a critical component of all E/PO projects.

Informal Education Samplers Available on Workspace

Related topics:

Last fall, the Informal Education Working Group created handouts featuring a sampling of resources that have been developed by NASA SMD Education and Public Outreach Programs. Six samplers are available: Science on a Sphere presentations, Planetarium shows, Programming resources, Interpreter resources, Digital resources, and Exhibits.

NSTA Hotel Information

Related topics:

Dear Colleagues,

Are you headed to NSTA in San Antonio and looking for hotel accommodations? The Earth Forum has booked a block of rooms at The Emily Morgan Hotel. Hotel information here.

The Emily Morgan hotel is offering NASA SMD E/PO:

  • government per diem,
  • complimentary wifi, and
  • four blocks from the convention center