Welcome to the NASA Science Mission Directorate Education and Public Outreach Community Workspace!

This workspace provides resources to assist individuals funded by NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) in carrying out their SMD education and public outreach programs. Program leads and team members should login to post announcements and calendar events, share work in progress, and participate in group discussions. Information and documents that may be of interest to all, such as tips for getting involved in SMD education and public outreach and meeting notes, may be accessed without logging into the workspace. This site is hosted by the NASA SMD Science Education and Public Outreach Forums.

Community Announcements

Deadline Approaching for LPI Career Development Award – Jan 11

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Please pass this on to students who may be interested:

The Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI) is proud to announce its sixth LPI Career Development Award, which is open to both U.S. and non-U.S. applicants. This award will be given to graduate students who have submitted a first-author abstract for presentation at the 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC).

Education Resources for Doomsday 2012

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With only 2 weeks left before December 21st, 2012 there is a definite uptick in public attention to the idea that Doomsday is on its way. The Calendar in the Sky project brings together Maya cultural experts, educators, and NASA scientists to create resources for educators to both respond to questions about the Maya Calendar and some of the different doomsday scenarios that people are concerned about. Check out our website (www.calendarinthesky.org) and follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

FameLab: Exploring Earth and Beyond

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From Daniella Scalice, NASA Astrobiology Institute:

Please come show your support for the early career scientists competing in this year’s FameLab kickoff event at AGU!

Friday, December 7th, 7-9pm at the San Francisco Marriott Marquis Hotel across from the Moscone Convention Center. Reception to follow.

Details about the event can be found online here: http://famelab.eventbrite.com/
Please contact me with any questions at [email protected].

Thanks much,

Forum News

[NASA Helio E/PO] News and Announcements 2012_05_07

1. Data Visualization Awards – $30,000 in Prizes (Entries Due May 31)
2. New TED-Ed Website
3. PURSUIT OF LIGHT — NASA Movie Thinks Big, Goes Deep
4. Center for Astronomy Education (CAE) Introductory Astronomy & Space Science Teaching Excellence Workshops
5. Relevant news from CAISE, the Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education
6. NASA.gov Wins Two 2012 Webby Awards
7. AAS Astronomy Week and Student Outreach Event

Act Now – Upcoming Deadlines/Events:
• May 16-18 – Heliophysics / Planetary Science E/PO Community Retreat

Year of the Solar System April Topic: Ice!

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Hello Friends-of-the-Year-of-the-Solar-System!

Please share this message far and wide with your colleagues, audiences, social media avenues, list-servs, and partners! Many thanks!

April’s topic for NASA’s Year of the Solar System (YSS) – Ice!
Join us in April as we explore ice and its properties, locations, and what it tells us about the solar system. This month, we will also celebrate Earth Day on April 22!

Year of the Solar System March Topic: Shadows of the Sun!

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Hello Friends-of-the-Year-of-the-Solar-System!

Please share this message far and wide with your colleagues, audiences, social media avenues, list-servs, and partners! Many thanks!

March’s topic for NASA’s Year of the Solar System (YSS) – Shadows of the Sun!
Join us in March as we celebrate Sun-Earth Day and prepare for a rare transit of Venus! Between June 5-6, 2012, people around the world will see the planet Venus move across the front of the Sun, creating the last Venus transit as seen from Earth until the year 2117!