Archived Forum News
Topic: Exoplanets, a play in four parts
Date: Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Time: 12:30pm PT / 1:30pm MT / 2:30pm CT / 3:30pm ET
Meeting Number: 992 711 567
Meeting Password: iges*123
Part I: How do we find Exoplanets? What have we found?
Part II: How do we know what individual exoplanets are like?
Part III: What have we learned about individual exoplanets so far?
Part IV: What are the future plans for studying exoplanets?
Submitted by heather.dalton on Wed, 10/31/2012 – 9:38am
1. NOVA Sun Lab and educator webinar
2. NASA Probes Record Sounds of Space – NPR Story
3. NSTA Webinar on Practices in Preparation for the NGSS – Developing and Using Models
4. SMD E/PO Community Participation at ASTC Conference
5. World Space Week – Oct 4-10 (Attachment)
6. Advertise Upcoming NASA Earth and Space Science Education Events – Due Sept 24
Act Now – Upcoming Deadlines / Events
• Oct. 1 – Proposals Due – National Afterschool Association Annual Conference
Submitted by karin.hauck on Fri, 09/21/2012 – 7:47pm
1. Notice of Intent for SMD Product Review Due Sept 17
2. Session Proposals Now Being Accepted – NSTA 2013-2014 Conferences
3. 2013 Alan Shepard Technology in Education Awards (Apply by Jan. 14)
4. Center for Astronomy Education (CAE) Introductory Astronomy & Space Teaching Excellence Workshops
Act Now – Upcoming Deadlines / Events
• Sept. 10 – Applications Due – 2012 GIFT Workshop Presenters
• Sept. 17 – NOI Due – NASA SMD Product Review
Submitted by karin.hauck on Fri, 09/21/2012 – 7:45pm
1. Solar & Space Physics Decadal Survey: Release – Wednesday, August 15, 2012
2. Back to School— and Back to Professional Development for You!
3. Museum Alliance-Sponsored Professional Development Telecon on RBSP
4. NASA Recommends Discontinuation of Student Rocket Activity
5. National Afterschool Association Annual Conference – Registration and Call for Proposals Open (Proposals Due Oct. 1; April 7-10, 2013)
6. SMD E/PO Community Exhibit Booth at ASTC – Let Us Know What Materials You Have!
7. Workspace Tips & Tricks: Email Notifications/Subscriptions
Submitted by karin.hauck on Thu, 08/16/2012 – 7:56pm
1. 2012 GIFT workshop presenters application form now available (Apply by Sept 10)
2. Informal Science Education (ISE) Evidence Wiki
3. NASA G.I.R.L.S. Mentoring Program – Grades 5-8 (Apply by June 15)
4. NASA’s Multiwavelength Universe Online Professional Development for Educators (June 25-July 13)
1. 2012 GIFT workshop presenters application form now available (Apply by Sept 10)
Submitted by karin.hauck on Fri, 06/08/2012 – 1:07pm
1. Next Generation Science Standards to be Released Today, May 11
2. Transit of Venus Event Registration
3. Late Abstracts Deadlines for Astronomical Society of the Pacific meeting: “Communicating Science”
1. Next Generation Science Standards to be Released Today, May 11
Submitted by karin.hauck on Fri, 05/11/2012 – 4:04pm
1. Data Visualization Awards – $30,000 in Prizes (Entries Due May 31)
2. New TED-Ed Website
3. PURSUIT OF LIGHT — NASA Movie Thinks Big, Goes Deep
4. Center for Astronomy Education (CAE) Introductory Astronomy & Space Science Teaching Excellence Workshops
5. Relevant news from CAISE, the Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education
6. Wins Two 2012 Webby Awards
7. AAS Astronomy Week and Student Outreach Event
Act Now – Upcoming Deadlines/Events:
• May 16-18 – Heliophysics / Planetary Science E/PO Community Retreat
Submitted by karin.hauck on Fri, 05/11/2012 – 4:02pm
Hello Friends-of-the-Year-of-the-Solar-System!
Please share this message far and wide with your colleagues, audiences, social media avenues, list-servs, and partners! Many thanks!
April’s topic for NASA’s Year of the Solar System (YSS) – Ice!
Join us in April as we explore ice and its properties, locations, and what it tells us about the solar system. This month, we will also celebrate Earth Day on April 22!
Submitted by heather.dalton on Wed, 04/04/2012 – 11:18am
Hello Friends-of-the-Year-of-the-Solar-System!
Please share this message far and wide with your colleagues, audiences, social media avenues, list-servs, and partners! Many thanks!
March’s topic for NASA’s Year of the Solar System (YSS) – Shadows of the Sun!
Join us in March as we celebrate Sun-Earth Day and prepare for a rare transit of Venus! Between June 5-6, 2012, people around the world will see the planet Venus move across the front of the Sun, creating the last Venus transit as seen from Earth until the year 2117!
Submitted by heather.dalton on Wed, 04/04/2012 – 10:19am
This is just a friendly reminder that session proposals for NSTA 2013 are due April 15, 2012. For information on how to submit and examples of session proposals, please visit
Submitted by mitch.watkins on Mon, 03/26/2012 – 2:23pm
NSF I-Corps (Webinar April 3)
(Webinar April 3; Next window for Proposals April 1-June 15)
Submitted by mitch.watkins on Mon, 03/19/2012 – 11:19am
Spring SMD Education Product Review – NOI Due (March 26)
(NOI Due March 26; Products Due April 16)
It’s time again for another round of the NASA science education product review. The Notice of Intent (NOI) may be emailed to John Ensworth ([email protected]). Please include the product title, forum represented, the intended audience, in what format it will be distributed (e.g. website, PDF, printed material), the approximate number of pages of reading involved, and any other information that may be important.
Submitted by mitch.watkins on Mon, 03/19/2012 – 11:09am
1. AAS-Sponsored Workshop on Observations and Outreach for Solar Eclipse 2017 (April 14-15)
2. Spring SMD Education Product Review – NOI Due (March 26)
3. Advertise Upcoming NASA Earth and Space Science Education Events (Due COB March 22)
4. NSF I-Corps (Webinar April 3)
5. Blog Post – How Can Scientists Actively Engage with the Media?
6. ASP Annual Meeting Registration and Abstracts Open
Act Now – Upcoming Deadlines/Events:
• March 29-April 1 – NSTA 2012 Annual Conference –
Submitted by karin.hauck on Fri, 03/16/2012 – 6:30pm
1. Over 500,000 Students Served by SMD in FY2011: Information from FY2011 OEPM Reports
2. New Heliophysics Web, Print and Video Resources: Mysteries of the Sun
3. Year of the Solar System – Resources for Shadows of the Sun
4. Celebrate Sun-Earth Day!
5. Free National Science Digital Library Science Literacy Maps Workshop at NSTA
6. Framework for K-12 Science Education – Final Version Now Available
7. Opportunity for Participation in Astronomy Night on the National Mall
Upcoming Deadlines/Events:
• March 19 – Sun-Earth Day
Submitted by karin.hauck on Fri, 03/02/2012 – 6:42pm
The registration page for the misconceptions workshop at LPSC, Knowing What Your Audience Really Thinks: Common Misconceptions in Students’ and the Public’s Understanding of Planetary Science, is live! If you are planning on attending this workshop, please register at the link below. Please note – you will need to sign into the LPI meeting portal; if you have not used this before, it is quick and painless to do so! The description of the workshop is below.…
Submitted by heather.dalton on Mon, 02/13/2012 – 10:44am
1. Find NASA E/PO Materials Quickly and Easily Right from the Community Workspace with the Our New Widget
2. A New Review Cycle is About to Begin in the NASA SMD Science Education Product Review!
3. NASA Postdoctoral Fellowships
1. Find NASA E/PO Materials Quickly and Easily Right from the Community Workspace with the Our New Widget
Submitted by karin.hauck on Fri, 12/16/2011 – 6:58pm
Dr. Jim Green, Director of the NASA Planetary Science Division, presented Dr. Susan Niebur with the Planetary Science Division’s Public Service Award at the end of a panel on which Susan was presenting at the Women and Mars Conference! Read the full details here.
You can view Susan’s panel here.
The award portion begins at around the 2:52 timestamp.
Submitted by heather.dalton on Thu, 12/01/2011 – 11:41am
1. Nugget of the Week
2. Reminder: Send in Your Nuggets Anytime!
3. New! – Social Media Conversation on the Workspace
4. NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship Program for Graduate Students (Deadlines Feb. 1 and March 15)
5. November’s topic for NASA’s Year of the Solar System (YSS) – Magnetospheres: Planetary Shields!
6. Explore the From Earth to the Solar System (FETTSS) Gallery
1. Nugget of the Week
Submitted by karin.hauck on Fri, 11/04/2011 – 7:13pm
1. Announcing the Unveiling of the New Mega Data Call Spreadsheet of SMD E/PO Activities
2. Your Feedback on OEPM is Requested
3. Fellowship for Pre- and In-Service Students Available
4. Announcing the new SpaceMath@NASA website
5. Math: Webinar – Enrichment Problems in Space and Earth Science Wednesday Oct 5th 4pm ET
1. Announcing the Unveiling of the New Mega Data Call Spreadsheet of SMD E/PO Activities
Dear SMD E/PO colleagues,
Submitted by karin.hauck on Tue, 10/04/2011 – 1:46pm
WASHINGTON — NASA has a class assignment for U.S. students: help the agency give the twin spacecraft headed to orbit around the moon new names.
The naming contest is open to students in kindergarten through 12th grade at schools in the United States. Entries must be submitted by teachers using an online entry form. Length of submissions can range from a short paragraph to a 500-word essay. The entry deadline is Nov. 11.
Submitted by heather.dalton on Tue, 10/04/2011 – 10:38am
Hello Friends-of-the-Year-of-the-Solar-System!
Please share this message far and wide with your colleagues, audiences, social media avenues, list-servs, and partners! Many thanks!
October’s topic for NASA’s Year of the Solar System (YSS) – Moons and Rings: Our Favorite Things!
Submitted by heather.dalton on Tue, 10/04/2011 – 10:33am
Advertise Upcoming NASA Earth & Space Science Education Events – Due Sept 27
Dear E/PO Colleagues,
This is your friendly reminder about the opportunity to promote your upcoming NASA Earth and space science education events and projects in the monthly “NASA Earth and Space Science Education E-Newsletter.”
Submitted by karin.hauck on Tue, 09/27/2011 – 7:26pm
Dear Heliophysics E/PO Community,
1. Cosmic Cafés – Request for Scientist Speakers
2. Job Opportunity: Science Scriptwriter/Senior Education Specialist
3. Solar Week October 17-21, 2011
Act Now – Upcoming Deadlines/Events:
• Sept. 30 – Workshop Submissions Due – National Afterschool Association Annual Conference
• Oct. 31 – OEPM Closes
• Jan. 15 – Proposals Due – 2012 NSTA Regional Conferences
1. Cosmic Cafés – Request for Scientist Speakers
Submitted by renee.frappier on Thu, 09/22/2011 – 8:36pm
After a successful launch, Aquarius in now up and running! Aquarius will make NASA’s first space observations of the salinity at the ocean surface, a key variable in satellite studies of Earth. The “first light” global salinity maps should be released next week. For weekly updates on Aquarius, visit
Submitted by morgan.woroner on Mon, 09/19/2011 – 2:21pm
On Sept. 12, The GLOBE Program launched the Student Climate Research Campaign. This campaign will engage students in measuring, investigating and understanding the climate system in their local communities and around the world. Students will learn about climate through foundational learning activities and intensive observing periods that will be implemented in GLOBE classrooms around the world from 2011-2013. To learn more, and to see what Dr. Waleed Abdalati has to say about the program, visit
Submitted by morgan.woroner on Mon, 09/19/2011 – 2:14pm
(Registration open noon ET, Sept. 13 until 5pm ET, Sept. 15; Tweetup Oct. 24)
Submitted by morgan.woroner on Mon, 09/12/2011 – 8:11am
Hello Friends-of-the-Year-of-the-Solar-System!
Please share this message far and wide with your colleagues, audiences, social media avenues, list-servs, and partners! Many thanks!
September’s topic for NASA’s Year of the Solar System (YSS) – Gravity: It’s What Keeps Us Together!
Submitted by heather.dalton on Tue, 09/06/2011 – 5:30pm
1. 2011 Baltimore ASP conference – Proceedings Deadline Sep 1
2. MS PHD’s Program – Now Accepting Applications (Due Aug. 31)
3. NASA Scientist Mentors Needed to Work with New York Teachers
4. 2011 National Association for Interpretation National Workshop
5. National Afterschool Association Annual Convention – Workshop Submissions Due September 30
6. Workshop on Climate Change Education in Formal Settings, K-14
7. Center for Astronomy Education Teaching Excellence Workshops
1. 2011 Baltimore ASP conference – Proceedings Deadline Sep 1
Submitted by karin.hauck on Thu, 09/01/2011 – 4:41pm
1. Cross-Forum Workspace Survey – Please Complete by June 30
2. Joplin High School Needs Science Materials
3. Online Professional Development Workshop: Enrichment Problems in Space and Earth Science XXVIII – Registration Required
4. Reminder: Advertise Upcoming Earth and Space Science Education Events
(June 24)
Act Now – Upcoming Deadlines/Events:
• June 29 – Proposals Due – NASA Research Announcement for Competitive Program for Informal Education Institutions
• June 30 – Cross-Forum Workspace Survey
Submitted by karin.hauck on Wed, 06/22/2011 – 12:52pm
1. The Center for Astronomy Education (CAE) is offering a Teaching Excellence Workshop in Hilo, Hawaii, July 16-17, 2011
2. The Universe at Your Fingertips 2.0: A DVD with 133 Activities for Teaching Astronomy (and Much More) from the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
3. Social Media: Getting the Ball Rolling with Facebook and Twitter Now Available on Workspace
4. Reminder: SMD E/PO Workspace Tutorial WebEx Sessions
5. AGU GIFT Workshop
Submitted by karin.hauck on Wed, 06/08/2011 – 1:08pm
Hello Friends-of-the-Year-of-the-Solar-System!
Please share this message far and wide with your colleagues, audiences, social media avenues, list-servs, and partners! Many thanks!
May’s Topic for NASA’s Year of the Solar System (YSS) – Volcanism!
Submitted by heather.dalton on Mon, 05/02/2011 – 11:58am
Dear Heliophysics E/PO Community,
1. Webinars on NASA SMD Product Review Now Available on Workspace
2. Reminder: Webinar – Social Media: Getting the Ball Rolling with Facebook and Twitter – Thursday, April 28
1. Webinars on NASA SMD Product Review Now Available on Workspace!
Submitted by karin.hauck on Thu, 04/28/2011 – 6:15pm
Dear Heliophysics E/PO Community,
1. NASA Education Design Team Recommendations – Final Report
2. Chris Mooney and Neil DeGrasse Tyson Keynotes at ASP Conference, “Connecting People to Science”
3. NASA Explorer Schools Offer Web Seminars Featuring NASA Educational Resources
4. Scientist Perspective: A Crash Course in Education and Outreach
5. NRC Workshop on Highly Successful STEM Education in K-12 Schools, May 10-11, 2011, Washington, DC
6. Request for Materials for Turning Eyes to the Big Sky Project in Montana, Wyoming, and Surrounding Areas
Submitted by karin.hauck on Wed, 04/20/2011 – 5:12pm
Dear Heliophysics E/PO Community,
1. Next Cross-Forum Professional Development Webinar Series on Social Media Kicks Off on Thursday, April 28
2. International Year of Chemistry – There are still opportunities NOW to add your input to the calendar
— and get free publicity for your EPO project or program!
Reminders of Upcoming Deadlines
• April 15 – Abstracts due for 2012 NSTA
• April 20 – Session proposals due for 2011 Fall AGU
Submitted by karin.hauck on Wed, 04/20/2011 – 5:10pm
1. NASA Research Announcement for Competitive Program for Informal Education Institutions (Proposal Due June 29)
2. Update on Framework for Developing New National Science Education Standards (Questions due April 15)
3. Scientists in Education and Public Outreach Interviews
4. 2011 SACNAS Conference (Oct. 27-30)
5. EPOESS Selections Announced
6. Education Public Outreach Specialist – Houston – Position Opening
7. Education Public Outreach Specialist – Goddard – Position Opening
8. Seeking Peer Reviewers for NASA Office of Education
Submitted by karin.hauck on Wed, 04/20/2011 – 5:05pm
Dear Heliophysics E/PO Community,
1. You’re the Voyager Spacecraft: Humanity’s Farthest Journey (see attached flyer)
2. Providing Input on 2012 USA Science and Engineering Festival Planning (Due April 4)
3. REMINDER: Upcoming Professional Development Webinars for NASA SMD E/PO Community
1. You’re The Voyager Spacecraft: Humanity’s Farthest Journey
(Editor’s Note – the flyer is truly lovely – check it out!)
You’re The Voyager Spacecraft: Humanity’s Farthest Journey
Submitted by karin.hauck on Wed, 04/20/2011 – 5:02pm
Hello Friends-of-the-Year-of-the-Solar-System!
Please share this message far and wide with your colleagues, audiences, social media avenues, list-servs, and partners! Many thanks!
April’s topic for NASA’s Year of the Solar System (YSS) – Water, Water Everywhere: Celebrating Earth Day!
Submitted by heather.dalton on Mon, 04/04/2011 – 11:58am
Dear Heliophysics E/PO Community,
1. Transit of Venus
2. Interested in Printing New Sun Booklet for Young Readers?
3. Help Promote NASA Sessions at NSTA Conference & NASA Booth
4. WorldWide Telescope – New technology just released
5. Deadline Reminder: National Afterschool Convention – NASA Exhibit booth
6. STEM Research Assistant Position Opening
7. AGU E/PO Coordinator Position
1. Transit of Venus
Transit of Venus: Including Your Resources with 2012 Sun-Earth Day
Submitted by karin.hauck on Fri, 03/18/2011 – 1:24pm
Dear Heliophysics E/PO Community,
1. Solar Week, March 21-25
2. NSTA NASA Booth Policy
3. NSTA Sharing Policy (via Email, Tweet or Facebook)
4. GLOBE at Night 2011 – Worldwide Orion Observation Campaign (Feb. 21-March 6)
5. NEW SERIES: YSS Monthly Science Series: Planetary Science Content Professional Development
1. Solar Week, March 21-25.
Mark your calendars for Solar Week – a week of online games and curriculum based on our nearest star, the Sun!
Submitted by karin.hauck on Fri, 03/18/2011 – 1:21pm
Dear Heliophysics E/PO Community,
1. Our Heliophysics E/PO Retreat: Mark Your Calendars for August 4 & 5th in Baltimore
2. ROSES Announcement of Opportunity Expected February 18th, including EPOESS Opportunity
3. Implementing the NASA Education Coordinating Council (ECC) Recommendations – Feedback Wanted
4. ASP Annual E/PO Conference in Partnership with AGU and STSci
5. Update on the “Conceptual Framework to Guide the Development of Next Generation Standards for K-12 Science Education”
6. 2011 AGU Fall Meeting Deadlines (Session Proposals Due April 20)
Submitted by karin.hauck on Fri, 03/18/2011 – 1:19pm
Over the last few months, we’ve been hearing from scientists that they want to know more about E/PO at NASA’s Science Mission Directorate – how it is organized, what are the programs and funding opportunities, what are the review criteria, etc. To answer this need, the Heliophysics and Planetary Science Education and Public Outreach Forums are organizing a series of 1-hour WebEx sessions for scientists new to NASA Education and Public Outreach (E/PO).
Submitted by karin.hauck on Mon, 02/14/2011 – 7:13pm
Dear Heliophysics E/PO Community,
1. NASA SMD Online Searchable Catalog – Feedback Requested by February 11
2. Call for reviewers for IGCCE (deadline March 18)
1. NASA SMD Online Searchable Catalog – Feedback Requested by February 11
NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) plans to create a new online searchable catalog that will help audiences find your SMD-funded E/PO products, activities, opportunities, information, and more.
Submitted by karin.hauck on Mon, 02/14/2011 – 6:50pm
Dear Heliophysics E/PO Community,
1. Thanks and Farewell to Larry Cooper
2. Thanks from the Heliophysics Division to AGU Booth Staffers
3. NSTA Advance Registration Deadline is Fast Approaching (Deadline: Feb 4)
4. NASA 2011 Summer of Innovation (SOI) Project Cooperative Agreement Notice (Proposal Due Feb. 25)
5. YSS Session at NSTA – (Saturday, 12 March, 8:00 – 3:00)
6. Request for Handouts – National Afterschool Association Annual Convention (Deadline: April 1)
7. NASA No Boundaries Education Initiative – Grades 7-12 (Deadline: April 1)
Submitted by karin.hauck on Mon, 02/14/2011 – 6:47pm
NASA Research and Education Support Services (NRESS) is seeking persons willing to serve as panel reviewers for the NASA Innovations in Global Climate Change Education (IGCCE), a program element under Education Opportunities in NASA STEM (EONS) NNH11ZHA002C. Peer review is a critical component of the decision-making process for awarding projects under this solicitation. It assists in identifying high-quality projects by engaging individuals with different backgrounds, perspectives and areas of expertise in the review process.
Submitted by karin.hauck on Fri, 02/04/2011 – 7:30pm
1. Google Online Science Fair
2. Winning Pictures from Children’s Science-Art Contest
3. NASA Names Waleed Abdalati as Agency’s New Chief Scientist
4. Conceptual Framework for New Science Education Standards – Update
5. Jan. 12 – Webinar on NASA’s Tour of the Electromagnetic Spectrum (Please pre-register)
6. Jan. 24 –Products Due for next NASA SMD Education Product Review
1. Google Online Science Fair
Launch date: January 11, 2011
Submitted by karin.hauck on Tue, 01/11/2011 – 7:47pm
Dear Heliophysics E/PO Community,
1. NASA #1 in Index of Effectiveness of Social Media and Web Use
2. NASA Space Weather Media Viewer Mobile App
3. International Public Science Events Conference (Feb. 16-17)
4. December/January Topic for NASA’s Year of the Solar System – A Family Affair!
1. NASA #1 in Index of Effectiveness of Social Media and Web Use
Submitted by karin.hauck on Thu, 12/16/2010 – 1:22pm
Dear Heliophysics E/PO Community,
1. Dean Pesnell Public Lecture on SDO at AGU Dec. 12
2. NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship Program Accepting Proposals for 2011-2012 Academic Year (Deadline Feb. 1)
3. Nominations Invited for 2011 ASP Educational Awards (Deadline Dec. 15)
4. Please Complete Your SMD E/PO Workspace Profile
5. Request for Materials for Afterschool Universe Training
1. Dean Pesnell Public Lecture on SDO at AGU Dec. 12
Public lecture — The Many Colors of the Sun
Sunday, 12 December 2010 1200h–1300h
Submitted by karin.hauck on Thu, 12/16/2010 – 1:19pm
The Space Weather Media Viewer App is now available through iTunes (…). This app features near real-time imagery from a wide variety of NASA missions, as well as video interviews with scientists about the causes of space phenomena and NASA-created visualizations. For those who download the app, please take a moment to leave a review on the iTunes site.
Submitted by heather.dalton on Tue, 12/07/2010 – 11:45am
Dear Heliophysics E/PO Community,
1. AGU Meeting of Opportunity (MOO): Monday, December 13th from 5:30-8:30pm
(mini-Helio E/PO community retreat) – REMINDER: SAVE THE DATE
2. Participatory Exploration – Collection of Best Practices
3. Message to NASA Civil Service and Contractor Employees: Social Networking Tools and Web 2.0 – Appropriate Use of Web Technologies
1. AGU Meeting of Opportunity (MOO): Monday, December 13th from 5:30-8:30pm (mini-Helio E/PO community retreat) – REMINDER: SAVE THE DATE
Submitted by karin.hauck on Thu, 11/04/2010 – 5:39pm
Dear Heliophysics E/PO Community,
1. AGU Meeting of Opportunity (MOO): Monday, December 13th from 5:30-8:30pm
(mini-Helio E/PO community retreat) – SAVE THE DATE
2. NASA Selects Astronaut Leland D. Melvin to Lead Office of Education
3. Position Opening: Education and Public Outreach Content Specialist, Space Telescope Science Institute
1. AGU Meeting of Opportunity (MOO): Monday, December 13th from 5:30-8:30pm (mini-Helio E/PO community retreat) – SAVE THE DATE
Submitted by karin.hauck on Thu, 10/21/2010 – 7:31pm
Dear Heliophysics E/PO Community,
1. From Earth to the Solar System: Seeking Images by Nov. 15th
2. Room Available for US Sci. and Eng. Festival
3. Lawrence Hall of Science Job Opportunity
1. From Earth to the Solar System: Seeking Images by Nov. 15th
[Let’s get some of our memorable Sun images into this collection!]
Dear E/PO Colleague,
Submitted by karin.hauck on Thu, 10/21/2010 – 7:28pm
Dear Heliophysics E/PO Community,
This email will be posted on the online workspace ( in the Heliophysics Group as News, with the subject: [NASA Helio E/PO] News and Announcements 2010_09_25. You can read it there! We encourage you to post your own announcements there, too.
1) OEPM Reporting Due 30 September!
2) Webinar on Concept Mapping in NASA E/PO
3) Astronomy Education Review
4) President Obama Makes STEM Education Announcement
1) OEPM Reporting Due 30 September!
Submitted by karin.hauck on Sat, 09/25/2010 – 5:55pm
Dear Heliophysics E/PO Community,
1. Solar and Space Physics (Heliophysics) Decadal Survey Request for Community Input
2. NASA Workshops for Pre-service Faculty – San Francisco, San Diego, and Minneapolis
3. 2010 IGES Art Contest for Grades 2-4
4. Exploration Station at AGU
5. National Afterschool Association – Applications for Sessions Due October 1, 2010
6. NESTA’s The Earth Scientist
7. Opportunities to Present at NESTA’s Share-a-Thons at NSTA Conference
Submitted by karin.hauck on Fri, 09/17/2010 – 8:11pm
Dear Heliophysics E/PO Community,
1. Solar Week October 18-22
2. MMS News: Announcing Troy Cline as New E/PO Lead…Last call for materials for Space Weather CD (Spanish materials, too)
3. New Voyager segment completed on the Space Weather Media Viewer
4. Reminder to get your materials into the Sun-Earth Day packet
1. Solar Week October 18-22.
Submitted by karin.hauck on Thu, 09/16/2010 – 11:47am
Dear Heliophysics E/PO Community,
1. Newly-Selected Education and Outreach Supplemental Awards
2. Job Opening: Director of Education at NASA’s Dryden Flight Research Center (applications due Sept. 7)
3. SMD Planning to Advertise E/PO Lead Position
1. Newly-Selected Education and Outreach Supplemental Awards
Submitted by karin.hauck on Fri, 09/03/2010 – 6:06pm
Dear Helio E/PO Community,
1. Community Comments Regarding the NRC Draft Conceptual Framework for New Science Education Standards
2. NASA’s One Stop Shopping Initiative Stakeholders’ Summit Meeting
3. SMD Science Plan Approved
4. AAAS Early Career Award for Public Engagement with Science Nomination. Deadline: 15 October
5. AGU E/PO Sessions – Abstracts Due September 2!
6. Job Opening: Education, Outreach, and Communications Specialist at LASP
7. Job Opening: Aerospace Scholars Education Specialist
Submitted by karin.hauck on Fri, 09/03/2010 – 2:51pm
Submitted by admin on Wed, 07/07/2010 – 9:37am