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217 people

The Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Education and Public Outreach (E/PO) Community consists of individuals who develop and implement education and public outreach activities using SMD’s content, expertise, and facilities to share the story, the science, and the adventure of NASA’s scientific explorations of our home planet, the solar system, and the universe beyond. The community includes the SMD and science division leadership, SMD mission E/PO teams, programs such as NASA Astrobiology Institute and NASA Lunar Science Institute, grantees funded by SMD to conduct E/PO activities, and projects such as GLOBE.

If you would like to learn more about the Forums or SMD E/PO, please contact the lead of the Forum that most closely aligns with the scientific theme of your research or educational program:

Jackie Allen
JSC Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science

Jill Ambrose
McREL (Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning)

Shari Asplund
Kerri Beisser
The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Edgar A. Bering, III
University of Houston

Lora Bleacher
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Denise Blumenthal
WGBH Educational Foundation
Don Boonstra

Georgia Bracey
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
[email protected]

linda butler
The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL)
[email protected]
Sanlyn Buxner
Planetary Science Institute
[email protected]
Marjorie Chan
University of Utah

cynthia cheung
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Whitney Cobb
McREL International
[email protected]
Phoebe Cohen
MIT NASA Astrobiology Institute
Carmel Conaty
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Steve Croft
UC Berkeley
Heather Dalton
Lunar and Planetary Institute

Doris Daou
NASA Lunar Science Institute
Amy Dickinson
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Ross Dubois
University of Arizona
Julie Edmonds
Carnegie Academy for Science Education, Carnegie Institution of Washington
Ari Espinoza
HiRISE/University of Arizona

Lori Feaga
University of Maryland
Kay Ferrari
Brian Fessler
Lunar and Planetary Institute
Kaiem Frink
CERSER/Virginia Union University
Pamela Gay
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Alyssa Gilbert
The University of Western Ontario
Roy Gould
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
Paige Graff
JSC Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science

Jennifer Grier
Planetary Science Institute

Nicole Gugliucci
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Douglas Haller
Haller Education Consulting
Eve Halligan
University of Northern Iowa

Jaime Harold
Space Science Institute
Katie Hessen
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center / Lunar and Planetary Institute
Jane Houston Jones
Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Andrew Jordan
EOS Space Science Center, UNH
Julia Kahmann-Robinson
University of Utah
John Keller
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Sheri Klug Boonstra
Arizona State University
[email protected]
(480) 965-5514
Keliann LaConte
Lunar and Planetary Institute

(281) 486-2166
Dave Lavery
NASA Headquarters
Leslie Lowes
NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Dawn Mackety
McREL (Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning)
Tom Mason
University of Colorado – Boulder Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics

Shannon McConnell
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Michelle Minitti
Arizona State University
Jake Noel-Storr
Rochester Institute of Technology
Noah Petro
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Sandi Preston
University of Texas at Austin
German Rodriguez
Lunar and Planetary Institute

Theresa Roelofsen Moody
Needs to be completed

Randy Russell
Spark – UCAR/NCAR science education
daniella scalice
NASA Astrobiology Institute

david seidel
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
[email protected]
Andy Shaner
Lunar and Planetary Institute

Stephanie Shipp
Lunar and Planetary Institute
[email protected]
Christine Shupla
Lunar and Planetary Institute
Ted Sicker
WGBH Educational Foundation
Anita Sohus
NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Anna Spitz
University of Arizona

Stephanie Stockman
Jessica Swann
Arizona State University
Wendy Taylor
Arizona State University
Kay Tobola
Lunar and Planetary Institute
Sharon Unkart
Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning
Allyson Walker
Cornerstone Evaluation Associates LLC
Elizabeth Warner
University of Maryland
Sandra Weeks
McREL International
[email protected]

Heather Weir

Alice Wessen
Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Stephanie Wilkerson
Magnolia Consulting, LLC
Steven Williams

Joe Wise
Wildwood, School, Los Angeles, CA
[email protected]

Rachel Zimmerman Brachman
Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Anthony Zippay
Arizona State University