
GIFT Teacher Workshop at AGU Deadline September 6

Related topics:

Applications for presentations will be taken through September 6, 2011. At least one of the individuals involved in the presentation must be a member of AGU or be sponsored by a member of AGU (which means to make their membership number available to use on the application), and provide their AGU membership number when completing the application.

If you are not selected for a presentation towards the bottom of the page look for the option to participate in the Share-a-thon.

[NASA Helio E/PO] News and Announcements 2011_06_22

1. Cross-Forum Workspace Survey – Please Complete by June 30
2. Joplin High School Needs Science Materials
3. Online Professional Development Workshop: Enrichment Problems in Space and Earth Science XXVIII – Registration Required
4. Reminder: Advertise Upcoming Earth and Space Science Education Events
(June 24)
Act Now – Upcoming Deadlines/Events:
• June 29 – Proposals Due – NASA Research Announcement for Competitive Program for Informal Education Institutions
• June 30 – Cross-Forum Workspace Survey

AGU American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting

Mon, 12/05/2011 – 1:00amSat, 12/10/2011 – 12:59am

San Francisco, CA

[NASA Helio E/PO] News and Announcements 2011_03_24

Dear Heliophysics E/PO Community,

Upcoming Deadlines:
• 2011 AGU – Session proposals due April 20
• 2011 ROSES Announcement of Opportunity, Including EPOESS Opportunity (NOI Due 4/8/11; Proposals due 5/6/11)
• 2011 ASP – Abstract Deadline
• 2012 NSTA – Proposals due April 15 –
• Spring Product Review – Notice of Intent is due by April 11th

[NASA Helio E/PO] News and Announcements 2011_03_08

Dear Heliophysics E/PO Community,

1. Transit of Venus
2. Interested in Printing New Sun Booklet for Young Readers?
3. Help Promote NASA Sessions at NSTA Conference & NASA Booth
4. WorldWide Telescope – New technology just released
5. Deadline Reminder: National Afterschool Convention – NASA Exhibit booth
6. STEM Research Assistant Position Opening
7. AGU E/PO Coordinator Position

1. Transit of Venus

Transit of Venus: Including Your Resources with 2012 Sun-Earth Day

[NASA Helio E/PO] News and Announcements 2011_02_17

Dear Heliophysics E/PO Community,

1. Our Heliophysics E/PO Retreat: Mark Your Calendars for August 4 & 5th in Baltimore
2. ROSES Announcement of Opportunity Expected February 18th, including EPOESS Opportunity
3. Implementing the NASA Education Coordinating Council (ECC) Recommendations – Feedback Wanted
4. ASP Annual E/PO Conference in Partnership with AGU and STSci
5. Update on the “Conceptual Framework to Guide the Development of Next Generation Standards for K-12 Science Education”
6. 2011 AGU Fall Meeting Deadlines (Session Proposals Due April 20)

AGU Fall Meeting

Mon, 12/05/2011 – 1:00amFri, 12/09/2011 – 1:00am

Session Proposals: April 20
Abstract Submissions: August 4

2011 Fall Meeting: Dec. 5-9, San Francisco, Calif.
For more information:

2011 AGU Fall Meeting Abstract Submission Deadline

Thu, 08/04/2011 – 1:00am

Session Proposals: April 20
Abstract Submissions: August 4

2011 Fall Meeting: Dec. 5-9, San Francisco, Calif.
For more information:

2011 AGU Fall Meeting Session Proposal Deadline

Wed, 04/20/2011 – 1:00am

Session Proposals: April 20
Abstract Submissions: August 4

2011 Fall Meeting: Dec. 5-9, San Francisco, Calif.
For more information:

2011 AGU Fall Meeting Deadlines (Session Proposals Due April 20)

Related topics:

Deadlines for the 2011 AGU Fall Meeting:
Session Proposals: April 20
Abstract Submissions: August 4

2011 Fall Meeting: Dec. 5-9, San Francisco, Calif.
For more information:

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