1. NOVA Sun Lab and educator webinar
2. NASA Probes Record Sounds of Space – NPR Story
3. NSTA Webinar on Practices in Preparation for the NGSS – Developing and Using Models
4. SMD E/PO Community Participation at ASTC Conference
5. World Space Week – Oct 4-10 (Attachment)
6. Advertise Upcoming NASA Earth and Space Science Education Events – Due Sept 24
Act Now – Upcoming Deadlines / Events
• Oct. 1 – Proposals Due – National Afterschool Association Annual Conference http://www.naaweb.org/default.asp?contentID=705
• Oct. 15 – Products Due – SMD Product Review http://nasareviews.strategies.org
• Oct. 31 – Submission Deadline – Engineering and Science Manuscripts for NSTA K-12 Journals http://www.nsta.org/publications/call-tst.aspx
• Jan. 14 – Applications Due – 2013 Alan Shepard Technology in Education Award http://bit.ly/P1TyCT
• Jan. 15 – Proposals Due – NSTA Area Conferences http://bit.ly/RTC7CI
1. NOVA Sun Lab and Educator Webinar
From Wendy Van Norden, NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)
NOVA has created a wonderful Sun Lab, and they are hosting a “Sun Lab for Educators Webinar” on Oct. 3rd at 5pm EDT. The lab allows students to learn about the solar cycle, predict solar activity, and develop their own research projects. Plus, it features a ton of Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) data!
Here are the links if you are interested in the Sun Lab and/or the webinar:
Sun Lab- http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/labs
Webinar- http://www.facebook.com/events/425925977443724/
2. NASA Probes Record Sounds of Space – NPR Story
From Alexandra Matiella Novak, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory:
This is a very short NPR piece on some of the initial data that is being collected by the Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) mission, which just launched on August 30th. In this case, the data can actually be heard, so it’s a unique way to experience the science. The mission is part of the Living with a Star program (heliophysics) but the RBSP spacecraft will be studying the Van Allen Radiation Belts, which are a part of Earth Science, so this would be a good opportunity for some cross-forum sharing. Here is the link to the NPR piece. There are a few other pieces as well if you search “RBSP” on the NPR website. http://www.npr.org/2012/09/18/161325420/nasa-probes-record-sounds-of-space
3. NSTA Webinar on Practices in Preparation for the NGSS – Developing and Using Models
(Sept. 25, 6:30-8:00pm ET)
NSTA invites you to the second web seminar in a series of eight on the scientific and engineering practices described in A Framework for K-12 Science Education. This free webinar will help educators learn: how modeling tools are used to develop questions, predictions, and explanations; how students can analyze and identify flaws in systems and communicate ideas; methods in which models are used to build and revise scientific explanations and proposed engineering systems; and how measurements and observations are used to revise models and designs. For more information and to register, visit http://bit.ly/T8iNZk
4. SMD E/PO Community Participation at ASTC Conference
On behalf of the four forums, the Heliophysics Forum and Informal Education Working Group are coordinating SMD EPO Community presence at the Association of Science and Technology Centers (ASTC) conference this year. There are several ways to participate, even if you are not planning to attend the conference:
1) 2012 Astronomy and Aerospace Showcase 2012 at ASTC: Two ways to participate in the Showcase:
A) If you would like to participate in the 2012 Astronomy and Aerospace Showcase at ASTC, we are working to coordinate SMD EPO contributions to this session. Two Forum reps will be given time during the showcase to present information on behalf of any NASA SMD mission/project that has a program/product of interest to museum or science center educators. If you are interested in submitting a single PowerPoint slide about your work, please email Michelle Nichols at [email protected]. DEADLINE TO NOTIFY MICHELLE: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 at 3 pm CDT. Michelle will send you the template to use.
B) In addition, we will have table space in the back of the showcase, and time for questions and answers and materials distribution with the showcase attendees. If you would like to send 25-50 copies of material appropriate for museum or science center professionals, we can distribute them for you at the showcase session. Please email Michelle Nichols at [email protected]. Michelle will send you shipping information. DEADLINE TO NOTIFY MICHELLE: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 at 3 pm CDT.
2) Conference Sessions: If you have already proposed a session at ASTC (based on your NASA work) and have been accepted, please tell us so that we can direct participants to your session from the NASA SMD EPO booth. Please send your session information to [email protected] and it will be made available to the SMD EPO staff working at the booth. DEADLINE: October 11, 2012
3) Materials handouts at the SMD EPO Community booth – If you would like your print materials handed out at the SMD EPO booth in the ASTC exhibit hall, please email Michelle Nichols at [email protected]. DEADLINE TO NOTIFY MICHELLE: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 at 3 pm CDT. Michelle will send you shipping information.
5. World Space Week – Oct 4-10 (Attachment)
Participate in UN-declared World Space Week, October 4-10, the largest annual space event on Earth. By synchronizing outreach, participants get leverage. World Space Week efficiently inspires youngsters, demonstrates public support for space, and reaches audiences through events and media coverage. View the attached PDF or visit http://bit.ly/SaN08z for more information
6. Advertise Upcoming NASA Earth and Space Science Education Events – Due Sept 24
Dear E/PO Colleagues,
This is your friendly reminder about the opportunity to promote your upcoming NASA Earth and space science education events and projects in the monthly “NASA Earth and Space Science Education E-Newsletter.”
Please let me know if you have any upcoming events, resources, and/or opportunities related to NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD) education and outreach you would like to include in the Oct. 2012 edition. The deadline to submit items is Monday, Sept. 24, COB. To submit, please follow these guidelines:
• Please send a paragraph (4-5 sentences) for each item you would like to include in the newsletter, including a URL to direct readers for more information. If you are submitting an event, please include event dates and application deadlines (if applicable).
• Please send your full name and organizational affiliation, so that you can be included in the ‘contributors’ section.
• If you are contributing an educational resource, please make sure that the resource has passed the NASA SMD Product Review.
To view past versions and see the format of the E-newsletter, visit http://www.smdeponews.org/newsletter-archive/.
Subscribe to the E-newsletter by emailing [email protected] with ‘Subscribe’ as the subject.
Morgan Woroner
[email protected]