This Workspace
On this workspace, you will find information about the education and public outreach (E/PO) efforts of the NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD) E/PO Community, including activities occurring within NASA SMD and the SMD Science E/PO Forums and Working Groups.
Get Involved shares ways for you to become involved in SMD E/PO efforts and websites where you can go to find resources designed for your needs. While this workspace is not intended to share specific activities for classroom or informal learning environments, we can direct you to locations where you can find that information. “Get Involved” also provides additional information about this workspace.
Documents contains information created by each of the four SMD Science E/PO Forums (Astrophysics, Earth, Heliophysics, Planetary Science) and the audience-based Working Groups (K-12 Formal Education, Higher Education, Informal Education, and Outreach). Here you will find notes from monthly community tag-ups and meetings, so you can learn more about the community and its activities. Over the five-year effort of the Forums, you will also come to find reports detailing what the SMD E/PO community is learning from its audiences and illuminating best practices in science, engineering, technology, and mathematics (STEM) education and outreach. Check these documents regularly to learn what is going on in the SMD E/PO community, as this is a living, growing library.
News from SMD Headquarters reports on current NASA and SMD education and public outreach efforts, and prospective opportunities for your involvement, such as announcements for proposal competitions.
Announcements from the Community shares new resources and opportunities, such as internships, workshops for educators and scientists, pilot testing of activities, and more.
Forum News shares information and resources from the Forums and Working Groups, such as resource samplers and Forum-offered professional development opportunities.
Calendar allows you to keep tabs on upcoming activities such as workshops, mission education and public outreach events, and conferences at which you can meet members of the SMD E/PO community.
If you are already funded by SMD to do E/PO, please log in to access works in progress and discussions for the Forum communities to which you belong. Once logged in, you will have access to your groups’ news, working documents, calendars, discussion boards, and announcements.
If you are not yet funded by SMD to do E/PO, please peruse our “Getting Involved” section and the information that we are making available to all in our “Documents” section.
If you have any technical questions or problems, please contact the site administrators at techsupport_sepof “at”