Solar Dynamics Observatory – Comet Events

Program Element / Activity Title:
Solar Dynamics Observatory – Comet Events
E/PO Project Name:
Contact Information Shown to the Public:
When information is available for individual comet events, it is at
Program Element / Activity Website:
Short Description for Projects Page:

Since the discovery that SDO can see certain classes of comets in EUV, the SDO EPO team has created a specific website and social media program around SDO Comet sightings. This activity provides the public with information and up to date videos on the latest SDO comet sightings.  When a new comet is seen in space and looks like it will be large enough to be seen by SDO, the team updates the website to include all of the new information and develops a small social media plan to get the word out.

Program Element / Activity Status
Audience Metrics
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National Priorities and Coordination Approaches as Articulated in CoSTEM:
  • Increase and Sustain Youth and Public Engagement in STEM