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Conference: AAS 223 (Jan 2014)

At the AAS Winter Meeting, the Astrophysics Forum has posters and a workshop dedicated to engaging scientists in the SMD E/PO community's activities and resources. 

Posters: Thursday, 9am-2pm, Exhibit Hall ABC  Session 459. The NASA SMD Science Education and Public Outreach Forum

Workshop: Tuesday, 1-2pm, National Harbor 4   Engaging Scientists in NASA Astrophysics E/PO

Under this topic, you will find documents and resources described in the Forum's posters.  You will also be able to keep the conversation going from the Scientist Engagement Workshop.  

This post inlcudes the slides presented during the SMD E/PO showcase.  

Each mission, project, or program presented two slides.  The first showcases a particular activity or product.  The second slide is a form showing the types of roles scientists can get involved in with their team.

Please follow along during the presentations, refer to these during followup discussions, or come back to explore your options after AAS.


Note that the final slide set has been posted…


The NASA Science Education and Public Outreach Forums support the NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD) and its education and public outreach (E/PO) programs.  The Forums foster collaboration between E/PO teams and between sciencetists with content expertise and educators with pedagogy expertise.  These posters present opportunities for the astronomy community to leverage Forum resources and participate in collaborations to engage multiple audiences, including: K-12 Formal Education,…

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Brandon Lawton Brandon Lawton

  Universe Discovery Guides

January 8, 2014 – 3:44 PM CST

Designed for informal audiences, and developed in collaboration with SMD-funded astrophysics E/PO teams, the Universe Discovery Guides highlight astrophysics education and public outreach resources from across more than 30 NASA astrophysics missions and programs.  The 12 free guides, one per month, are designed to be short and modular, so that users can easily select content based upon their needs.  Each of the guides addresses a common astrophysics topic and contains the following…

This is a compilation of other resources to help get scientists involved in E/PO.  


Literature Review: 


Literature on Roles for Scientists:

     ScientistInvovlement_Roles2.pdf (in particular, see page 4)

     ImprovingSciEd_RoleofScientists.pdf (in particular, see Figure 1 on page 3)

Astro Forum Resource Samplers:


     AstrophysicsResourceSampler_Dec2011 copy 2.pdf


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Welcome to the home page for the AAS 2014 Workshop "Engaging Scientists in NASA Education and Public Outreach."

The NASA SMD Astrophysics Forum is excited to connect scientists and NASA E/PO professionals in this workshop.  Please see the details and agenda for the workshop below.  


——— DETAILS ———

AAS Winter Meeting in Washington DC

Workshop title: Engaging Scientists with NASA Astrophysics Education and Public Outreach

When: Tuesday January 7, 2014,…