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97 projects

The Science Mission Directorate Education and Public Outreach portfolio includes products, events, and programs aligned with federal priorities that engage audiences in the story, the science, and the adventure of NASA’s scientific explorations of our home planet, the solar system, and the universe beyond. Here you will find links to project descriptions, including overviews, audiences served, reports, evaluation information, and more. The list of projects can be narrowed using the filters on the left specific to projects (keyword, primary audience, and secondary audience). Click on a project’s name to view that project’s details, including a description, contact information, website, and audiences.

Astromaterials Education/Solar System Science Professional Development

Astromaterials Education/Solar System Science Professional Development
These workshops and trainings for elementary and secondary educators are developed thematically around the topics of solar system science and astromaterials. The participants are prepared to share the science appropriately with K-12 audiences by extending their knowledge and giving them hands-on experience with classroom activities. These are usually offered within a conference or larger professional development…

Astromaterials Education/Solar System Science Student Opportunities

Astromaterials Education/Solar System Science Student Opportunities
These are events for K-12 students developed thematically around the topics of solar system science and astromaterials. These are hands-on, experiential learning opportunities designed to extend solar system science knowledge and to inspire students to learn more. These are usually offered within an existing event. 

Astromaterials: Lunar and Meteorite Sample Education Disk Program Security Training Video Development

Astromaterials: Lunar and Meteorite Sample Education Disk Program Security Training Video Development
The development of the Lunar and Meteorite Sample Education Disk Program Security Training Video will provide a key training tool for the certification workshops conducted by Authorized Certifiers.  This activity will update the video by using high definition filming and revising the content to reflect protocol and procedure changes. The new video will be used by the Authorized…

Astromaterials: Lunar and Meteorite Sample Education Disk Program Website Development

Lunar and Meteorite Sample Education Disk Program Website Development
This activity will develop and maintain a webpage to support the Lunar and Meteorite Sample Education Disk Program. Certified borrowers of the disks can use this page to initiate borrowing the disks and reference teaching materials. Non-certified educators will be instructed how and where to receive the necessary training to borrow the disks. Once the page is designed and published, it will be maintained as part of…

Astromaterials: Lunar and Meteorite Sample/Solar System Science Student Opportunities

Lunar and Meteorite Sample/Solar System Science Student Opportunities
These are events for K-12 students developed thematically around the topics of solar system science focusing on lunar and meteorite science. These are hands-on, experiential learning opportunities designed to extend solar system science knowledge and to inspire students to learn more. These are usually offered within an existing event. 

Astromaterials: Lunar/Meteorite Sample Education Disk Certification Training

Lunar/Meteorite Sample Education Disk Certification Training
These workshops and trainings for elementary and secondary educators are developed thematically around the topics of solar system science. Participants are certified to borrow the sample education disks and prepared to share the science appropriately with K-12 audiences. These are usually offered within a conference or larger professional development event. Standard content of solar system science is shared thematically…

Cassini: Scientist for a Day
Cassini Scientist for a Day (CSFAD) – CSFAD is a semi-annual Saturn essay contest for U.S. students in grades 5-12.  Students research Saturn and its rings and moons, and write a coherent argument for their selection to be imaged by the Cassini spacecraft.  Essays are submitted online and judged by Cassini team members, and winners participate in teleconferences with Cassini scientists.   <
Dawn Teacher Resources

Material development for FY 2012 will include Solar System Origins module and accompanying interactives including the stand alone activity "Active Accretion" and "Active Phase Changes." For FY 2012, this will include formatting, posting, internal and product review and subsequent revisions of the Solar Systems Origins module and the initial development of the Data Analysis module. Content module on Dawn instruments: Framing Cameras, Visible and Infrared Spectrometer, Gamma Ray and…

Dawn: GESTEM: Girls in STEM Education

Dawn  education team members presented new science findings and activities as well as background information to a variety of student audiences in informal education settings. Here, a set of workshops about the Dawn Mission were presented at GESTEM, Girls Exploring Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, events in Denver, Colorado, April 20, 2012 and May 9, 2014 sponsored by the Colorado Women in Engineering Society. Aproximately 150 middle school girls were reached during…

DAWN: Piloting Dawn’s Instrumentation curricular materials

In FY 2012, Dawn science, engineering and education team members presented new science findings and activities as well as background information to a variety of student audiences in formal education settings. Here, students participated in a pilot of new materials connected to Dawn's Instrumentation.

Dawn: Small Bodies Thematic Teacher Workshops

For FY 2011: Includes 1) Day-long teacher workshop in Denver CO.  2) Day long workshop for Florida Science Supervisors.  3) Five simultaneous workshops in February 2011 based on results of EPOXI and in anticipation of Stardust NExT and Dawn.  For FY 2012, the Dawn mission will provide educator workshops about some of the findings at Vesta and a review of Stardust NExT and EPOXI educational materials. Venues to include the Colorado Science Conference and the School Science and…

Dawn: Student Opportunities

In FY 2011, Stardust NExT organized a district wide NASA event in Cheyenne Wyoming modeled after similar activities conducted by NASA's Discovery Program office. A team of scientists and educators visited students in grades 6-12. An evening star party and the local observatory opened the event to students, parents and families.

Discovery and New Frontiers: "Art and the Cosmic Connection"

"Art and the Cosmic Connection" is a curriculum that uses beautiful and compelling NASA images of planets, moons, and small bodies to help students understand and analyze what they see using the elements of art – shape, line, color, value, texture. After viewing images, students choose one image to draw with pastels, honing observation skills as they learn to look and look to learn. The activity is demonstrated in educator workshops and done with students during classroom visits.

Discovery and New Frontiers: "Unlocking Mysteries of the Solar System" DVD and Educator Guide

"Unlocking Mysteries of the Solar System" is a video overview of the Discovery Program and missions with an accompanying educator guide.  The video describes the science objectives and results of the missions, and the educator guide leads students through a series of activities to learn about the mission and then design their own space mission.  Portions of the video are shown at workshops and the activity is demonstrated to teachers who work in groups to design a…

Discovery and New Frontiers: Classroom Visits

Classroom visits by NASA scientists and educators bring a sense of excitement and interest in STEM. In FY 2012, Stardust-NExT, Dawn and EPOXI participated in three-day event in Rainsville, Alabama, coordinated by NASA's Discovery Program with 8 NASA scientists and educators visiting 1,200 students in grades 4-12 at Plainview School, which had been severely damaged from a massive tornado the previous spring. The presentations, hands-on activities and discussions help students see a place…

Discovery and New Frontiers: Classroom Visits

Conduct visits to schools with presentations, discussions, and hands-on activities.

Discovery and New Frontiers: Space School Musical

Space School Musical is a play that introduces the solar system to students while integrating science with performing arts, physical education, music, social themes and leadership opportunities. Aimed at upper elementary and middle school students, the play teaches solar system science in a fun and engaging way.  Designed for easy and successful replication, the package includes a DVD of the play performed by high school students, a CD with the songs, and a CD-ROM with teacher tips, an…

ExCITES: DIY Sun Science

The DIY Sun Science app (for iPhones and iPads) allows families and educators to investigate and learn about the Sun at home, at school, or anywhere they go.

Five Stars Pathway – Afterschool Program at Girls Inc.

Led by Multiverse at UC Berkeley's Space Sciences Laboratory, Five Stars Pathway: Engaging Girls in Science through Multigenerational Mentors project is developing heliophysics curriculum targeting middle school girls to be implemented in Girls Inc. afterschool programs nationwide. 


Five Stars Pathway – Curriculum Resources for Afterschool

Led by Multiverse at UC Berkeley's Space Sciences Laboratory, Five Stars Pathway: Engaging Girls in Science through Multigenerational Mentors project is developing heliophysics curriculum targeting middle school girls to be implemented in Girls Inc. afterschool programs nationwide. 

Five Stars Pathway – Training for Afterschool Program Providers

Led by Multiverse at UC Berkeley's Space Sciences Laboratory, Five Stars Pathway: Engaging Girls in Science through Multigenerational Mentors project is developing heliophysics curriculum targeting middle school girls to be implemented in Girls Inc. afterschool programs nationwide. 

GRAIL – Earth and Space Science: Building Elementary & Secondary Teacher Skills

GRAIL MoonKAM is a student experience project for 5th-8th grade students nationwide. Middle school students use the MoonKAM website to target and request images of the moon taken by the GRAIL MoonKAM cameras. The objective of GRAIL MoonKAM is to engage students in STEM subjects.

GRAIL: Earth & Space Science – Elementary and Secondary Resources

GRAIL MoonKAM is a student experience project for 5th-8th grade students nationwide. Middle school students use the MoonKAM website to target and request images of the moon taken by the GRAIL MoonKAM cameras. The objective of GRAIL MoonKAM is to engage students in STEM subjects.

GRAIL: Earth & Space Science – Informal Education Opportunities

GRAIL MoonKAM is a student experience project for 5th-8th grade students nationwide. Middle school students attend Sally Ride Science festivals and learn about how to take picture of the moon using the GRAIL MoonKAM cameras. The objective of GRAIL MoonKAM is to engage students in STEM subjects.

GRAIL: Earth and Space Science Collaborations

E/PO GRAIL MoonKAM. An essential part of the E/PO MoonKAM program is student collaboration.  The E/PO MoonKAM Mission Control Center (MOC) will coexist with and utilize the NASA EarthKAM MOC facility already in place and functional at UCSD. From FY09 through FY2013 UCSD undergraduate students will work with SRS supervisors and GRAIL scientists to design and implement the MoonKAM Mission

Heliophysics Community of Practice for Formal Educators

The Heliophysics Community of Practice for Formal Educators is a multi-mission effort led by THEMIS-ARTEMIS E/PO and supported by the Van Allen Probes E/PO, IBEX E/PO and the Heliophysics Forum. The Community of Practice provides professional development opportunities for middle and high school teachers across the country to learn more about current heliophysics research and incorporate it into their classroom. 

Heliophysics Educator Ambassador Program

The Heliophysics Educator Ambassador (HEA) program is a collaborative, multi-mission effort that provides professional development and resources to middle and high school science teachers who then train other teachers at local, regional and/or national workshops, conference and meetings. The NASA Heliophysics missions collaborating on the HEA program are: THEMIS-ARTEMIS, IBEX, Van Allen Probes, SDO, MMS, Voyager, RHESSI, STEREO, TIMED and AIM.

IBEX Space Explorers Afterschool Science Club

As part of a Chicago Public Schools systemic initiative, the IBEX Space Explorers After School Program (IBEX SEC) trains teachers to use the IBEX-funded GEMS SSS Curriculum with under-represented students.  The purpose of this program is to increase student exposure to space science that they do not receive during the school day and to increase their enjoyment in science activities.  This program provides professional development and classroom support for these science clubs through…

IBEX Special Needs – Formal

The IBEX Education and Public Outreach program funded the development of seven strategy guides for middle school teachers. The first six guides utilize student text from Great Explorations in Math and Science (GEMS) Space Science Sequence for Grades 6-8: Teaching How Scientists Use Models with What Makes Up Most of the Solar System?, Teaching Roundtable Discussions with Seasons on Mars, Teaching Text Structure with Understanding the Scale of the Universe, Teaching Vocabulary Awareness…

InSight Mission Formal Education

InSight's formal-education program features comparative planetology initiatives with our E/PO partners IRIS (Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology), SCEC (Southern California Earthquake Center) and NASA's SpaceMath for standards based math resources. This year begins development of Preassessment, Standards-focused curriculum, near-real-time data classroom delivery methods, earthquake analysis tools and professional development.

IRIS Challenger Learning Center Module

IRIS scientists at Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory are developing a Challenger Learning Center (CLC) module parallel to the materials they created for a similar SDO program. The target audience is students in grades 5-8 who visit the Challenger Centers.

IRIS Quest Challenge

The extremely popular and highly successful program of Quest Challenges presents middle-school students and their teachers with an authentic design task associated with a mission. Student groups are introduced to the Challenge via an initial webcast, and subsequently develop a preliminary design, obtain feedback from IRIS team members through a web chat, refine their designs, and then submit them for review and presentation as part of a culminating live webcast. The challenge is…

IRIS Spectroscopy Educator Workshops

The IRIS E/PO team will conduct a series of workshops instructing middle and high school teachers how to incorporate spectroscopy into their classes.

Juno: EACA Developing Juno Education Materials
Developing, in conjunction with a curriculum specialist, of Juno middle school lessons on Jupiter's Atmosphere, Magnetosphere, Interior and Origins. Lessons development process include a curriculum summit with Juno educators, EPO professionals and science team members. 
Kepler Education and Public Outreach Program

Most of the products of Kepler E/PO and the resources we use in our presentations and teacher workshops are freely available on the Kepler website (  These include:



Computer Interactives:

Planetarium shows:

LRO: Comparative Planetology module for Science On a Sphere (SOS)

The comparative planetology module for SOS is a formal education module on comparative planetology for grades 6-8 that will be developed during FY10. Institutions with SOS installations will be given professional development on how to use the module with students that visit their institutions. 

LRO: Lunar Student Imaging Project

The Lunar Student Imaging Project (LSIP) is an inquiry-based program that enables K-12 students to learn about lunar science and develop proposals to acquire and analyze data from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) instrument.  

LRO: Lunar Workshops for Educators

This activity is a workshop for educators of grades 6-12 to learn about lunar science and exploration and how to incorporate LRO data into their classrooms. Participants in the workshop attend a week-long workshop at Goddard Space Flight Center in July 2010 and are given follow-up professional development using distance learning technologies.

LRO: Middle School Educator Professional Development (MSEPD)

LRO Middle School Educator Professional Development (MSEPD) provides sustained, long-duration professional development for middle school teachers in the regions directly surrounding our E/PO partners. Educator professional development includes short and long-duration professional development experiences on lunar and planetary content using materials developed in previous LRO E/PO funding cycles. The objective of LRO E/PO middle school educator professional development is for middle…

LRO: Mini-RF ARENA – Lunar Simulation

Mini-RF has developed a beta Lunar Simulation on the instrument and its findings at the Moon. The goal is to provide middle and high school students with a mission specific gaming-like experience that will be used to augment existing math and science curriculums. It also folds in the existing educational products developed for the Mini-RF instrument and the LRO mission. This is based on the ARENA (Augmented Reality Environment at APL), a 3-D modeling and simulation facility at APL that…

LRO: Space Academy

These programs give middle school students a close-up look at NASA’s  LRO mission and specifically the Mini-RF instrument. They are designed to engage, inspire, and influence attitudes about space science and STEM careers. Space Academy includes a student press conference with mission experts as panelists and students as “reporters.” The panelists represent varying backgrounds, careers, and roles on the mission. 

Mars Exploration Program: MSL: Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) Curiosity Landing Site Selection Activity

Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) Curiosity Landing Site Selection Activity: This activity teaches middle school students about the process used to select a landing site for the Curiosity rover.  In so doing, the students learn basics about Mars geology and mission teamwork.

Mars Rover Model Celebration

This project aims to incorporate up-to-date SMD education resources and science and mission data relating to NASA’s explorations of Mars into the Mars Rover Celebration (MRC), an existing low-cost curriculum enhancement program for grades 3-8. The MRC prototype focuses on the adventure of learning and discovery, asking participating teams to propose their own scientific mission to Mars, design a rover to carry it out, and present a mock-up at an open house. The overarching goal of this…

MAVEN: Space Science Teachers Summit

MAVEN mission formal E/PO is a comprehensive program targeting K-12 teachers and students. The program involves product development and professional development workshops, including MAVEN Educator Ambassador Project, Space Science Teachers Summit, and Red Planet, and management and evaluation for the aforementioned activities. The objective of the MAVEN mission EPO program is to engage multiple audiences in the quest to understand Mars’ long-term atmospheric losses, giving insight into…

MESSENGER: Exploring the Inner Solar System e-Book

The MESSENGER K-12 education and public outreach (E/PO) efforts encompass teacher professional development and web-available content-based curriculum for K-12 students and educators. The Educator Fellowship program trains educators who commit to conducting teacher professional development using high-quality educational materials featuring mission-related themes. The objective of the MESSENGER E/PO program is to prepare classroom teachers across the nation to incorporate high-quality,…

MESSENGER: Public Science Day at Nat. Air and Space Museum

The MESSENGER K-12 education and public outreach (E/PO) efforts encompass teacher professional development and web-available content-based curriculum for K-12 students and educators. The Educator Fellowship program trains educators who commit to conducting teacher professional development using high-quality educational materials featuring mission-related themes. The objective of the MESSENGER E/PO program is to prepare classroom teachers across the nation to incorporate high-quality,…

MESSENGER: Reprinting updated Exploring the Inner Solar System book

The MESSENGER K-12 education and public outreach (E/PO) efforts encompass teacher professional development and web-available content-based curriculum for K-12 students and educators. The Educator Fellowship program trains educators who commit to conducting teacher professional development using high-quality educational materials featuring mission-related themes. The objective of the MESSENGER E/PO program is to prepare classroom teachers across the nation to incorporate high-quality,…

MMS: Models (Paper Bookmark/Activity, Card, LEGO, Life-size)

Students can use these models to make and even stronger connection between engineering and mathematics while highlighting the importance of the MMS mission. On the models page, students can see a video of the LEGO model, make their own, make a paper model, or work on MMS card models. The MMS bookmark can be folded into a 3D model. It also has web resources and QR codes.

MMS: NASA EDGE (Video Mission Updates/Career Interviews)

NASA EDGE is an unscripted, non-traditional video podcast or vodcast designed to highlight all things NASA in a unique and fun way. Built in the framework of sports talk radio (i.e. Mike and Mike in the Morning – ESPN Radio), NASA EDGE has generated a positive buzz for NASA in a way in which young teens and adults can relate. Produced vodcast segments will focus on a particular components of the MMS mission. For example, one segment might focus on the science instruments and another on…

MMS: Space Math (Instructional Guide)

This guide uses examples from the MMS Mission to introduce mathematics in a real-world context to fifth through eighth graders. It is meant to help students learn about math utilizing the NASA MMS mission and be able to produce artifacts that can be shared with their peers and with their families. The main area of mathematics covered in this guide is geometry. The guide focuses on two-dimensional and three-dimensional geometry to assist students in developing spatial skills. There are…


STEAM Camp – Dublin ISD piloted the MMS Challenge during the summer STEAM camp of 2012 and hosted a NASA national student summit in April of 2012 to help generate excitement about NASA’s MMS mission. Student experiences included hosting a digital art, physics, and robotics exhibition. Although Dublin ISD is a small and rural school, the impact of DISD STEAM camp led to an after school robotics program during the fall of 2012. The NASA MMS Challenge was piloted in Dublin ISD during the…

MMS: Student and Teacher Computational Thinking Resources for NASA’s MMS Mission

The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) will partnet with the MMS mission to develop 3 resources related to the MMS Mission and student learning around the magnetosphere, space weather, and data manipulation.

The first resource will repurpose the previously created iBook for teachers, a companion to the student MMS Transmedia book (TBook), into other e-formats such as mobi and epub so they are accessible across the spectrum of e-readers in Kindle, Nook, and…

NAI: Astrobiology in the Masters of Science in Science Education Program (MSU)

This program supports in-service teachers in their work towards a Masters of Science degree in Science Education at Montana State University.  Two courses were supported in the program this year, Life in Extreme Environments and Thermal Biology in Yellowstone National Park. The courses provide science content information and authentic research experiences for practicing science instructors at the middle, secondary, and college levels.

NAI: Astrobiology Laboratory Institute for Instructors (UH)

This project provides professional development in astrobiology for teachers in Hawai'i and from the mainland US.  Its purpose is to increase awareness of astrobiology science and use of astrobiology classroom materials.  Teachers participate in a week-long workshop including lecture, lab, and field studies.

NAI: Astrobiology Workshops for Educators at Penn State (PSU)

This project provides professional development in astrobiology for teachers from across the US at Penn State University.  Two workshops were supported in Summer, 2011: Earth's History: Uncovering Clues of the Past‚ and Astrobiology: The Interdisciplinary Search for Life in the Cosmos.  The purpose is to expose teachers to the latest in astrobiology research, NASA missions, and classroom materials.

NAI: Hawai’i Student Teacher Astronomy Research Program (UH)

This program provides hands-on research experiences for students and their teachers in Hawai'i.  Its purpose is to develop astronomy research skills in students in grades 7-11 so they can conduct Science Fair quality projects and pursue STEM majors in college.  After a week-long workshop in the summer, scientist mentors travel to student locations throughout the school year to provide help with the research, and students are supported to participate in science fairs.

NAI: Virtual Field Trips (ASU, MIT)

This project develops web-based, multimedia, interactive experiences for various kinds of learners.  Called Virtual Field Trips (VFTs), their purpose is to create an online environment which simulates a remote field research locale.  Several NAI teams are collaborating to create a suite of VFTs dealing with different areas of astrobiology research.  They will be field tested in various learning environments and the evaluation will be coordinated.

NASA All-Stars

NASA All-Stars is a summer STEM research experience for teams of students, teachers, and librarians from Chicago-area public, private, and parochial schools.  Assisted by program staff, four experienced teacher-mentors, and scientists from the Astronomy & Astrophysics Center, teams undertake authentic research projects using astronomical data as they discover astronomy across the electromagnetic spectrum.  The program makes use of our Multiwavelength Astronomy website, which presents…

NASA Family Science Night

Family Science Night (FSN) is a curriculum in which middle- school-aged children and their families explore the importance of STEM in our daily lives by engaging in activities that make these concepts more practical and approachable. It covers a broad range of topics, from basic scientific processes to specific concepts such as the electromagnetic spectrum, the life cycles of stars, the reasons for Earth’s seasons, exploration of the Moon, and the ways in which we detect and study…

New Horizons: "Educator Cadre" Teacher Training Team

The Educator Cadre program – working in partnership with the NASA Solar System Educator Program (SSEP) – develops middle and high school teachers who represent New Horizons and serve as an important resource for solar system exploration programs across the country. Through New Horizons Teacher Training Workshops, we developed a cadre of skilled master teachers who now represent the mission; these workshops comply with National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) and American Association…

New Horizons: Space Academy – (2.4.18)

Few programs combine fun and learning like the Space Academy series, where we bring students behind the scenes of current space missions and introduce them to scientists and engineers working on these projects. These events – sponsored by APL, Comcast Cable, and the Discovery Channel Networks – give middle school students a close-up look at NASA missions. They include student press conferences with mission panelists moderated by an APL public affairs representative. Students have an…

New Horizons: Student Dust Counter Instrument and Program (K-12 and Undergraduate)

The Student Dust Counter (SDC) is a 20-year homework assignment, but you won’t hear any complaints from the students handed the task. Designed by students at the University of Colorado at Boulder, SDC is detecting dust grains produced by collisions among asteroids, comets, and Kuiper Belt objects during New Horizons’ journey. It is the first science instrument on a NASA planetary mission to be designed, built, and “flown” by students.  With faculty supervision, the students also are…

NLSI – Workshops for K-12 teachers I

3 separate workshops, for teachers of grades 1-5, 6-8, and high school. Teachers received and practiced age-appropriate astronomy activities with a focus on lunar science. They built inexpensive "galileoscope" telescopes. Cooperation with the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, which was meeting in Boulder, CO in 2010, increased teacher attendance. Nearly all teachers who applied were accepted. Scholarships were supported by NASA and ASP. Teacher assessment forms quite positive.

NLSI – Workshops for K-12 teachers II

Working with Erin Wood (LASP) we hosted a teacher workshop for Elem & Middle School teachers.  This workshop was in association with the ASP.  The theme was the Scientific Method and we focused on the Moon to convey many aspects of the scientific method.  20 teachers registered.  Main activities:-  Pre-evaluation with clickers, moon phases (predicting, then "kinesthetic astronomy to explain), remote sensing (shoebox activity), talk by LUNAR PI Jack Burns, post…

NLSI Ambassador Public Talks

A series of lectures to various different audiences (from middle school students to adults) about NASA's lunar science and exploration programs as well as EPO resources. These talks would be visually augmented by NASA lunar imagery such as high-resolution photographs of the lunar surface, the latest lunar science visualizations, as well as by animations of current and future lunar missions. 

NLSI/Montana State: Geology of the Moon On-Line Course

The course, Geology of the Moon (ERTH 580-50), offers MSU graduate credits in earth science for middle school teachers. The online course runs Sept. 28 through Nov. 29 and is taught by Cass Runyan, who teaches at both MSU and the College of Charleston, and Noah Petro, a lunar geologist from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Pamela Whiffen, a high school science teacher, will also be part of the instructional team, helping participating teachers better incorporate the science concepts…

OSIRIS-REx Presents Great Balls of Fire! exhibit and OSIRIS-REx Presents Asteroid Academy! field trips

Materials for use in classroom for pre-visit: The OSIRIS-REx education and public outreach (E/PO) program includes field trip experiences for K-8 students. Low-income students can access the Great Balls of Fire! exhibit at a local science center through support provided by the OSIRIS-REx mission. The objective of the OSIRIS-REx K-12 E/PO effort is to motivate students to pursue the study of science, technology, engineering and mathematics through attendance at science center with…

Our Solar System Through the Eyes of Scientists K-6 science and language arts curriculum

Our Solar System – Through the Eyes of Scientists (TES) is a solar system thematic science and language arts based curriculum for students and teachers in grades 1-6.  Students read biographies of current NASA scientists and view scientists’ notebook pages, while learning about planetary features such as canyons, volcanoes, and ice.  Curriculum is distributed on CD-ROM and made available on the Solar System Exploration website.  Teacher professional development is included.  Major costs…

Solar Dynamics Observatory – NEAT program

This program trains graduate students, with help of a Physics Education Research specialist, to present NASA-developed classroom activities to K-12 teachers, and to coach the teachers how to use those activities in their classrooms.  Program facilitators adopt and/or adapt activities from the existing, extensive catalogue of NASA-developed & -approved activities.  At the request of the teachers, program facilitators deliver the training/coaching sessions at their schools, with no cost…

Solar Dynamics Observatory – Solar Science Fair

What is the Solar Science Fair?
The Solar Science Fair is a semester-long project for students ages 13-18 as well as classrooms and the general public. Participants are expected to create original projects using solar data. There will be many opportunities to ask solar scientists questions about your project or about what they do at NASA.

How will the projects be judged?
All projects will be judged based on the use of the scientific method, use of solar data, creativity and the…

Solar Dynamics Observatory – SPOT Program

The Space Public Outreach Team (SPOT) provides FREE presentations about current NASA missions to Montana schools, youth programs, and community groups. The office at Montana State University in Bozeman sends presenters to schools and communities across the state.

The interactive SPOT presentations utilize slides, videos, animations and an inquisitive approach to relay the excitement of new discoveries in space science. NASA research and careers here in Montana are highlighted in each…

Solar System Educators Program (SSEP)

Solar System Educators (SSEP) are master teacher volunteers who train educators in their states in the use of NASA's STEM educational materials.  Results of these educator workshops are reported to the NASA OEPM system annually.  Currently, there are 94 SSEPs in all 50 states and Puerto Rico.  Training for SSEPs on NASA/JPL educational products is accomplished in two ways:  1) In-person institutes and 2) telecons with downloadable web-based materials.  Institutes are held when…

Space Forensics

NASA's Space Forensics project takes students in formal and informal education settings through astronomy problem-solving narratives that parallel crime scene forensics. Each standards-aligned Space Forensics case fuses STEM and literacy, using mystery narratives and hands-on activities to take students through the process of scientific problem-solving. This approach tells the story of "doing science" and meets educators' needs for resources that encourage reading, writing, and speaking…

Space Place website

The Space Place program includes web site for elementary school children as well as a museum display program and partnerships with amateur astronomy clubs and newspapers.  The Space Place web site makes SMD content accessible to a variety of audiences including elementary school age kids, Spanish speakers, amateur astronomers, and teachers.  The Space Place web site is available in both English and Spanish, in upper elementary language; the Space place museum display is in over 350…

Space Place: Web Site, Museum Displays, and Columns

The Space Place program includes a web site for elementary school children as well as a museum display program and partnerships with amateur astronomy clubs and newspapers.  The Space Place web site makes SMD content accessible to a variety of audiences including elementary school age kids, Spanish speakers, amateur astronomers, and teachers.  The Space Place web site is available in both English and Spanish, in upper elementary language; the Space place museum display is in over 350…

Space Weather Action Center

Imagine being able to monitor the progress of an entire solar storm from the time it erupts from our sun until it sweeps past our small planet effecting enormous changes in our magnetic field. Now imagine being able to do all of this from your classroom-based Space Weather Action Center (S.W.A.C.)! By following the basic steps in the Instructional Guide your class will soon be on its way to accessing, analyzing and recording NASA satellite and observatory data. You will also want to…

Stardust NExT: Solar System Night Poster
Collaboration with Dawn, EPOXI, and Rosetta.
STEP: Sustainable Trainer Engagement Program for Earth and Space Science

STEP is a train-the-trainers professional development project for middle school science education specialists and lead teachers.   STEP will increase the Earth and Space Science (ESS)  knowledge and pedagogy, and skills and confidence in providing professional development of middle school science specialists and lead teachers in the Houston region.  STEP provides in-depth long-term professional development for educators already supporting other middle school teachers in Earth and space…