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44 projects

The Science Mission Directorate Education and Public Outreach portfolio includes products, events, and programs aligned with federal priorities that engage audiences in the story, the science, and the adventure of NASA’s scientific explorations of our home planet, the solar system, and the universe beyond. Here you will find links to project descriptions, including overviews, audiences served, reports, evaluation information, and more. The list of projects can be narrowed using the filters on the left specific to projects (keyword, primary audience, and secondary audience). Click on a project’s name to view that project’s details, including a description, contact information, website, and audiences.

Astromaterials Education/Solar System Science For University Mentors and Facilitators/Pre-Service Educators

Astromaterials Education/Solar System Science For University Mentors and Facilitators/Pre-Service Educators
These are workshops and trainings for college students developed thematically around the topics of solar system science and astromaterials. The participants are prepared to share the science appropriately with K-12 audiences by extending their knowledge and giving them a hands-on experience with classroom activities. These are usually offered within a conference or larger…

Cassini: Ring world III-The Final Odyssey
The original Ring World planetarium show in a DVD format received an  “outstanding rating” from the NASA Education Review ( In addition  the Ring World Planetarium Show won a Tally award in 2004. It has also shown nationally and internationally to hundreds of planetariums in multiple languages plus a version for schools in English, Spanish and Letterbox for hearing impaired, and in Podcast (or “vodkas”) available for download.  This will be an…
Discovery and New Frontiers: Mentor Training for NASA Space Science Days

Thematic training for college student-mentors preparing to lead a Discovery Program focused NASA Space Science Day event. The NSSD events are sponsored by an EPOESS grant to Charlie Galindo-ARES-JSC. The workshop offers mission content, hands-on experience with classroom activities, and strategies for implementing.

EPOXI – Maryland Day

2012 marks the 14th annual MD Day, an annual open house for the University of Maryland (College Park). Colleges and departments are encouraged to "show-off" their research and educational programs via informal hands-on activities. EPOXI team members will be participating again demonstrating the mechanics of transiting exoplanets and building dry ice comets.

Five Stars Pathway – Afterschool Program at Girls Inc.

Led by Multiverse at UC Berkeley's Space Sciences Laboratory, Five Stars Pathway: Engaging Girls in Science through Multigenerational Mentors project is developing heliophysics curriculum targeting middle school girls to be implemented in Girls Inc. afterschool programs nationwide. 


Five Stars Pathway – Curriculum Resources for Afterschool

Led by Multiverse at UC Berkeley's Space Sciences Laboratory, Five Stars Pathway: Engaging Girls in Science through Multigenerational Mentors project is developing heliophysics curriculum targeting middle school girls to be implemented in Girls Inc. afterschool programs nationwide. 

Five Stars Pathway – Training for Afterschool Program Providers

Led by Multiverse at UC Berkeley's Space Sciences Laboratory, Five Stars Pathway: Engaging Girls in Science through Multigenerational Mentors project is developing heliophysics curriculum targeting middle school girls to be implemented in Girls Inc. afterschool programs nationwide. 

GRAIL: Earth and Space Science Collaborations

E/PO GRAIL MoonKAM. An essential part of the E/PO MoonKAM program is student collaboration.  The E/PO MoonKAM Mission Control Center (MOC) will coexist with and utilize the NASA EarthKAM MOC facility already in place and functional at UCSD. From FY09 through FY2013 UCSD undergraduate students will work with SRS supervisors and GRAIL scientists to design and implement the MoonKAM Mission

InSight Mission Public Outreach

InSight's public website and visualization development once mission selected. Begin development of comparative seismometry application for mobile devices, and developing scientist talks which will be used for Educate 1-2-3 InSight speaker program and E/PO on the road materials for traveling technical and science staff. Mission social media outreach sites being populated with content.

IRIS National Undergrad Student Competition

This project is a yearly nationwide undergraduate student team competition to design and build spectrographs. It is targeted at under-represented students.

IRIS Summer Opportunities for Undergrads

Stanford, Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory (LMSAL), and NASA/Ames jointly host students in summer research opportunities by leveraging on Stanford’s highly-successful Summer Research College (SRC), a ten-week program currently available to undergraduate Stanford physics majors. The IRIS team extends this program to incorporate promising non-Stanford undergraduates recruited from 2- and 4-year colleges, especially those at institutions where students would not otherwise…

LADEE: Navajo Tech Model Building

The Navajo Tech Model Building activity is a collaboration between LADEE and the Computer Aided Design and Modeling Program at Navajo Technical College. Students in the program learn to produce solid 3-D models of the LADEE spacecraft for use by the LADEE mission and its EPO programs. The faculty of Navajo Tech provides students with instruction on equipment, materials, software, and techniques for model building while LADEE provides spacecraft CAD files, a lunar science overview, and…

MMS: EPO Website

The E/PO section of the MMS website is specifically designed for number of MMS E/PO audiences and hosts a growing collection of lesson plans, activities, games, Interactives, podcasts, video clips and social media links, while highlighting the contributions, accomplishments and career paths of mission personnel. The MMS social media team works closely with the GSFC Office of Communications and NASA’s existing social media networks to reach the target audiences.

MMS: NASA EDGE (Video Mission Updates/Career Interviews)

NASA EDGE is an unscripted, non-traditional video podcast or vodcast designed to highlight all things NASA in a unique and fun way. Built in the framework of sports talk radio (i.e. Mike and Mike in the Morning – ESPN Radio), NASA EDGE has generated a positive buzz for NASA in a way in which young teens and adults can relate. Produced vodcast segments will focus on a particular components of the MMS mission. For example, one segment might focus on the science instruments and another on…

MMS: Space Weather Action Center (MAGNETOSPHERE)

This program encourages students to design, assemble and use an 'easy to make' learning center called a Space Weather Action Centers (SWAC) .These centers provide a focused environment where students can monitor and report the progress of a solar storm or focus on data input from individual missions like MMS . As part of the SWAC setup, each center includes one computer with internet access to current and archived NASA data. Student flip charts offer 'Step by Step' instructions needed…

NAI: Astrobiology in the Masters of Science in Science Education Program (MSU)

This program supports in-service teachers in their work towards a Masters of Science degree in Science Education at Montana State University.  Two courses were supported in the program this year, Life in Extreme Environments and Thermal Biology in Yellowstone National Park. The courses provide science content information and authentic research experiences for practicing science instructors at the middle, secondary, and college levels.

NAI: Astrobiology REU at Penn State (Icy)

This project hosts summer undergraduate interns at the NAI's Penn State University team.  It's purpose is to provide an in-depth research experience for undergraduates with astrobiology researchers at PSU. The program occurs at Penn State University for 10 weeks during the summer session. The students participate in independent research under the guidance of one or more astrobiologists, a field trip to NASA and astrobiology-related sites around Washington, D.C., weekly seminars,…

NAI: Astrobiology REU at Penn State (Icy)

This project hosts summer undergraduate interns at the NAI's Penn State University team.  It's purpose is to provide an in-depth research experience for undergraduates with astrobiology researchers at PSU. The program occurs at Penn State University for 10 weeks during the summer session. The students participate in independent research under the guidance of one or more astrobiologists, a field trip to NASA and astrobiology-related sites around Washington, D.C., weekly seminars,…

NAI: Life on the Edge Astrobiology Summer Camp (GaTech)

This project is a non-residential summer enrichment experience for high school students in the greater Atlanta area.  Its purpose is to provide an in-depth exposure to astrobiology science and research techniques.  In a simultaneous professional development effort, the camp's curriculum is developed and implemented by local high school teachers paired with Georgia Tech undergrads.

NAI: Summer Interns at JPL (Icy)

This project hosts summer undergraduate interns at the NAI's Icy Worlds Team at JPL.  It's purpose is to provide an in-depth research experience for undergraduates with astrobiology researchers at JPL.  Ten interns were hosted by four faculty in the Summer of 2011.

NAI: Support to Undergraduate Conference at LPSC (Central)

This project supports undergrads from across the US to participate in the 2011 LPSC Undergraduate Conference.  Its purpose is to expose undergrads to the scientific conference environment and mentor them to pursue careers in science.  This NAI funding supports the larger project funded by EPOESS.

New Horizons: Student Dust Counter Instrument and Program (K-12 and Undergraduate)

The Student Dust Counter (SDC) is a 20-year homework assignment, but you won’t hear any complaints from the students handed the task. Designed by students at the University of Colorado at Boulder, SDC is detecting dust grains produced by collisions among asteroids, comets, and Kuiper Belt objects during New Horizons’ journey. It is the first science instrument on a NASA planetary mission to be designed, built, and “flown” by students.  With faculty supervision, the students also are…

NLSI: NASA Academy NLSI Fellowship

NLSI supported the NASA Ames Academy through support of a student in addition to support of their summer project of lunar dust and biological systems interactions.  The undergraduate or graduate students spends 10 weeks at NASA Ames working alongside an ARC scientist. They are exposed to research at three other NASA centers (KSC, DFRC, JPL) and a wide variety of other research and commercial institutions (e.g. Desert Research Institute, Space Systems Loral, SpaceX).  The summer…

NLSI: Summer Student Internship Program

The NLSI Summer Student Intern is a grade 10-14 student support program. The program provides a 10 weeks summer research experience for grade 10-14 students. The purpose of the program is to increase the U.S. talent pool of lunar scientists by providing high school and two year college students an opportunity to spend a summer working on lunar science research with lunar scientist from the NLSI and attracting them to pursue graduate level studies in lunar science.

Solar Dynamics Observatory – SPOT Program

The Space Public Outreach Team (SPOT) provides FREE presentations about current NASA missions to Montana schools, youth programs, and community groups. The office at Montana State University in Bozeman sends presenters to schools and communities across the state.

The interactive SPOT presentations utilize slides, videos, animations and an inquisitive approach to relay the excitement of new discoveries in space science. NASA research and careers here in Montana are highlighted in each…

Solar Dynamics Observatory HMI Instrument – Data In the Classroom

This program involves development and facilitation of a laboratory activity for community college physics and astronomy students to give them an opportunity to analyze data from the Solar Dynamics Observatory mission. Professors and teachers at a local community college are involved in an SDO partnership to develop the lab exercise. The students at the community college are first year non-science majors coming from a diverse urban environment.