MMS: Models (Paper Bookmark/Activity, Card, LEGO, Life-size)
Program Element / Activity Title:
MMS: Models (Paper Bookmark/Activity, Card, LEGO, Life-size)
E/PO Project Name:
Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission
Contact Information Shown to the Public:
Code 672
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Program Element / Activity Website:
Program Element / Activity Partners within NASA:
Troy Cline-MMS, Eric Christian-Heliophysics, Tom Moore-MMS, Gary Davis-MMS, Todd Ensign-ERC
Short Description for Projects Page:
Students can use these models to make and even stronger connection between engineering and mathematics while highlighting the importance of the MMS mission. On the models page, students can see a video of the LEGO model, make their own, make a paper model, or work on MMS card models. The MMS bookmark can be folded into a 3D model. It also has web resources and QR codes.
Program Element / Activity Image / Visual:
MMS Bookmark/Activity
Program Element / Activity Status
Please list products / materials that will result / have resulted from this program element / activity:
Name: Full-Size Student Built Model
Status: Completed
Status: Completed
Please share any additional updates or information about your program element / activity:
The bookmark/activity and Card models were also used to inform the design of the life-size model. The LEGO kids acted as consultants for the life-size model. They also built half of the life-size instruments that were used.
Audience Metrics
Who is the primary audience of your program element / activity?:
Who is the secondary audience of your program element / activity?:
National Priorities and Coordination Approaches as Articulated in CoSTEM:
- Increase and Sustain Youth and Public Engagement in STEM
What are the goals and objectives of your program element / activity?:
Develop student understanding of the MMS spacecraft through the use of models
What is the design of the evaluation process for your program element / activity?:
Reports by teachers, photos, observation at booths and other activities with students
What are the main impacts of your effort to date and how do they correlate to the project’s goals and objectives:
Students are very engaged and interested in the structure and function of the spacecraft and build accurate models
Have your evaluation findings / impacts been published? If so, where?: