Mars Exploration Program: MSL Curiosity: Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) Educator Professional Development Workshops
Program Element / Activity Title:
Mars Exploration Program: MSL Curiosity: Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) Educator Professional Development Workshops
E/PO Project Name:
Mars Exploration Program Education and Public Outreach
Contact Information Shown to the Public:
Michelle Viotti
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Mail Stop 321-630
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Mail Stop 321-630
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109
Program Element / Activity Website:
Short Description for Projects Page:
Sample Analysis at Mars(SAM) Educator Professional Development Workshops: The SAM E/PO team hosts workshops for middle and high school educators who visit GSFC. The workshops include an overview of the MSL mission and science goals, an overview of SAM, a presentation by a SAM scientist, and an introduction to Mars and MSL educational activities and resources.
Audience Metrics
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Who is the secondary audience of your program element / activity?:
National Priorities and Coordination Approaches as Articulated in CoSTEM:
- Improve STEM Instruction