Juno: Jupiter Observing Campaign

Program Element / Activity Title:
Juno: Jupiter Observing Campaign
E/PO Project Name:
Juno Education and Public Outreach
Contact Information Shown to the Public:
Mail Stop 230-260
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109
Program Element / Activity Website:
Short Description for Projects Page:

Professional and amateur astronomers plus interested members of the public invited to join the Jupiter Observation Campaign. A section of the mission website is dedicated to mission resources and educational material. Planetary observing tips are available as well.

Conduct three or more observing programs or observing events each year, including partnering with local libraries, astronomy clubs or science centers. Members are required to report events on the mission web site. Members are encouraged to send in their images to the website.

Observation Campaign members will be able to participate in telecon training sessions conducted from NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Materials from these training sessions are available for use in member presentations to their communities and during star parties.

Audience Metrics
Who is the primary audience of your program element / activity?:
Who is the secondary audience of your program element / activity?:
National Priorities and Coordination Approaches as Articulated in CoSTEM:
  • Increase and Sustain Youth and Public Engagement in STEM