IBEX Electronic Outreach

Program Element / Activity Title:
IBEX Electronic Outreach
E/PO Project Name:
Contact Information Shown to the Public:
Program Element / Activity Website:
Program Element / Activity Partners within NASA:
Short Description for Projects Page:

This project involves presenting IBEX mission resources and materials via electronic means.  The purpose of this project is to bring the excitement of the IBEX mission and IBEX science results to a broad online audience and to make IBEX education and public outreach materials available online. The electronic venues for this project include:

Program Element / Activity Status
Audience Metrics
Who is the primary audience of your program element / activity?:
Who is the secondary audience of your program element / activity?:
National Priorities and Coordination Approaches as Articulated in CoSTEM:
  • Improve STEM Instruction
  • Increase and Sustain Youth and Public Engagement in STEM
What are the goals and objectives of your program element / activity?:
Goal: Communicate the scientific goals and results of the IBEX mission to the public in various locations and formats in ways that make the science, technology, engineering and math relevant to the learner. Objective: Create and maintain IBEX educational website.
What is the design of the evaluation process for your program element / activity?:
Please see pages 19 and 20 of the attached evaluation summative report.
What are the main impacts of your effort to date and how do they correlate to the project’s goals and objectives:
Please see pages 19 and 20 of the attached evaluation summative report.