IBEX Museum Materials

Program Element / Activity Title:
IBEX Museum Materials
E/PO Project Name:
Program Element / Activity Partners within NASA:
Short Description for Projects Page:

This project creates resources about the IBEX mission to support the IBEX planetarium show in the form of kits, printed materials, and downloadable files. These materials are distributed by request (and as available) through U.S. educational venues that are presenting the IBEX planetarium show as well as other informal venues.

Program Element / Activity Status
Please list products / materials that will result / have resulted from this program element / activity:
Name: IBEX: Explorador de la Frontera Interestelar
URL: http://nasawavelength.org/resource/nw-000-000-003-229/
Status: Completed
Name: IBEX: Exploring the Edge of Our Solar System
URL: http://nasawavelength.org/resource/nw-000-000-003-228/
Status: Completed
Name: Particle Detection
URL: http://nasawavelength.org/resource/nw-000-000-003-150/
Status: Completed
Name: Interstellar Boundary Explorer Lithograph
URL: http://nasawavelength.org/resource/nw-000-000-003-469/
Status: Completed
Name: The Heliosphere
URL: http://nasawavelength.org/resource/nw-000-000-003-149/
Status: Completed
Name: La Heliosfera
URL: http://nasawavelength.org/resource/nw-000-000-003-231/
Status: Completed
Name: Achieving Orbit
URL: http://nasawavelength.org/resource/nw-000-000-003-162/
Status: Completed
Name: Postcards from Space
URL: http://nasawavelength.org/resource/nw-000-000-003-235/
Status: Completed
Name: Explorador de la Frontera Interestelar Lithograph
URL: http://nasawavelength.org/resource/nw-000-000-003-152/
Status: Completed
Name: IBEX Electronic Resource for Museum Educators
URL: http://nasawavelength.org/resource/nw-000-000-002-811/
Status: Completed
Name: Four of the States of Matter
URL: http://nasawavelength.org/resource/nw-000-000-003-163/
Status: Completed
Name: Mystery Matter
URL: http://nasawavelength.org/resource/nw-000-000-003-234/
Status: Completed
Name: States of Matter online activity
URL: http://www.ibex.swri.edu/games/states_of_matter.shtml
Status: Completed
Name: Sorting the Universe online game
URL: http://www.ibex.swri.edu/games/sorting_the_universe.shtml
Status: Completed
Name: Magnetic Pinball online game
URL: http://www.ibex.swri.edu/games/magnetic_pinball.shtml
Status: Completed
Name: Spin the Spacecraft online activity
URL: http://www.ibex.swri.edu/games/spin_the_spacecraft.shtml
Status: Completed
Audience Metrics
Who is the primary audience of your program element / activity?:
Who is the secondary audience of your program element / activity?:
National Priorities and Coordination Approaches as Articulated in CoSTEM:
  • Increase and Sustain Youth and Public Engagement in STEM
What are the goals and objectives of your program element / activity?:
The primary goal of the IBEX E/PO program is to communicate the scientific goals and results of the IBEX mission to the public in various locations and formats in ways that make the science, technology, engineering and math relevant to the learner:

IBEX E/PO Goal 1: Communicate IBEX science results and mission goals to multiple audiences in multiple formats.

Each activity has its own objective(s).
What is the design of the evaluation process for your program element / activity?:
A needs assessment was done for the entire IBEX E/PO program in 2006. The results informed the design of the IBEX informal education materials. Each activity underwent formative testing, and summative testing was done for all activities, as well. (Also, see pages 12-20 of the summative evaluation report)
What are the main impacts of your effort to date and how do they correlate to the project’s goals and objectives:
Audience members were able to successfully complete all IBEX activities as part of formative and summative testing for individual activities. A study of the effectiveness of the IBEX informal education activities in conjunction with the IBEX planetarium show was conducted in 2010-2011 at four planetarium show locations. People attending a show and then participating in one or more activities showed understanding of the planetarium show content: 96% correctly identified what IBEX mission is collecting; 86% correctly identified how the Solar System boundary is created; 86% correctly identified that the boundary is not visible; 67% correctly identified that IBEX had been launched from an airplane; 61% of respondents correctly identified the number of stars in our Solar System. To compare: in the 2006 preliminary knowledge assessment, only 40% of the 90 respondents knew that the solar system has a boundary, 36% said that the boundary occurs where the Sun’s gravitational pull ends, and 44% said that the boundary is marked by the outermost object that orbits the Sun, generally Pluto. Only 18% correctly identified the number of stars in our Solar System (one). (Also, see pages 12-20 of the summative evaluation report)
Have your evaluation findings / impacts been published? If so, where?:
Some of the evaluation findings will be published as part of the 2013 ASP EPO conference proceedings.