A collection of Nuggets submitted by NASA SMD E/PO Community.
Weekly Helio Nuggets for November 21, 2014.
Ruth Paglierani: [email protected]
- Energy from the Sun in Space and on Earth (ESSE) Fall Teacher Workshops, Berkeley
Teachers have found the combination of topics to be a winning one—allowing them to integrate the science of the Sun with engineering, passive solar and photovoltaics.
Dan Zevin – NOVAS Summer 2014 Workshop African American; 8/15/14
Nicole Gugliucci – CosmoQuest Dragon Con Atlanta, GA; 8/19/14
Nicole Gugliucci – InvestaGate Workshop CosmoQuest, Belleville, IL; 8/19/14
Nicole Gugliucci – CosmoQuest Maker Faire, Kansas, MO; 8/19/14
Andrea Angrum – Rosetta Orbit Insertion; 9/3/14
Erin Wood – MAVEN's Red Planet; 9/10/14
Lori Bleacher – Invisible Mars; 9/10/14
Shari Asplund – STEAM Girl Scout Camp, Los Angeles, CA; 9/18/14
Download AttachmentsDiscover-AQ Colorado, CIRES Education Outreach: Making Broader Impacts.
Susan Buhr Sullivan ([email protected])
- Increasing public awareness and action about air quality issues in Colorado’s Front Range:
Utilized CairClips on a series of public air monitoring hikes (64 hikers on 6 hikes with NPR coverage)
- Coordinated weekly air monitoring hikes & meetings with AQ researchers in Rocky Mountain National Park for NCAR interns & staff (4 hikes, 2 meetings, 4…
October 2014 Submitted Nuggets
Kathy Lestition/Here. There. Everywhere. A summary of New York 4-H HTE Program 2013-14
Kimberly Kowal-Arcand//Here. There. Everywhere. at Wayne State University, Detroit MI
Gary Nakagiri/Kepler Mini-planetarium Shows Debut
Gary Nakagiri/Kepler Presentations
Eisenhamer-Jirdeh/Webinar for Pennsylvania's MSP Educators
Eisenhamer-Jirdeh/Discover Space Exhibit
Eisenhamer-Jirdeh/ Visions of the Universe Displayed at MAPS…
DownloadSubmitted Earth Nuggets for September 2014.
Kristyn Damadeo: [email protected]
- NASA LaRC SD E/PO Brings Earth Science to Take Our Youth to Work Day
- NASA Days at Busch Gardens
Tassia Owen: [email protected]
- Terra at OMSI After Dark – Seeing Our Earth from Out of This Word
Kristen Weaver: [email protected]
- GPM Visits Summer Camps and Libraries
Dorian Janney: [email protected]
- GPM Curriculum Writers, Classroom…
September 2014 Submitted Nuggets
Dana Backman – Airborn Astronomy Ambassadors Continue Public Engagement
Kimberly Kowal Arcand – Here. There, Everywhere.
Jatila van der Veen – Public Talk in Marin County, CA
Jatila van der Veen – Planck Astronomy Education Research (PAER) In progress
Donald Lubowich – Astronomy Night at the Intrepid Air, Sea, and Space Museum
DownloadMargaret Pippen
- LEARN is an innovative project that provides educators with on-site research and training with NASA scientists during the summer and guided research projects that continue throughout the school year.
- These educators conduct their own research, with NASA scientist mentorship, through on-site collaboration and virtual meetings.
- Teachers are using NASA data from the following programs and missions: CAPABLE, DISCOVER-AQ, ARCTAS, CALIPSO, AERONET, SeaWifs, MODIS,…
Janelle Turner and Deborah Johnson, Exploration Day on the Hill 6/25/14
Michael Kelly, New Global Geologic Map of Mars 7/8/14
Anna Spitz, OSIRIS-Rex Time Capsule8/14/14
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Lynn Cominsky – Rosie's Girls Career Day July 17, 2014
Kimberly Kowal Arcand – Here. There. Everywhere.
Dan McCallister – JWST Presentation for the UNESCO Center for Peace Summer Camp Program
DownloadSubmitted Helio Nuggets for August 2014.
Andi Nelson – [email protected]
Space Explorers After School Science Club (IBEX) (photo permissions exist).
Space Explorers After School Science Club
DownloadJanelle Turner and Deborah Johnson, 3rd Annual USA Science and Engineering Festival 5/14/14
James Lochner, 6th Annual Planet Walk 5/16/14
Anna Spitz, OSIRIS-REx Mission Launches Messages to Bennue 5/20/14
Anna Spitz, OSIRIS-REx Mission Launches 321Science YouTube Video Series 5/20/14
March 2014 submitted nuggets
HTE Visits the Manatee County Public Library System – Kathy Lestition
Kepler Announces 715 New Planets! – Toshi Komatsu
Florida Recommends Telescopes from the Ground Up – Bonnie Eisenhamer/Dan McCallister
STEM Career Presentation at Reservoir High School – Bonnie Eisenhamer/Dan McCallister
DownloadJanuary 2014 Submitted Nuggets
Bonnie Eisenhamer/Dan McCallister – The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium
Bonnie Eisenhamer/Dan McCallister – Hubble IMAX Movie is a Success
DownloadStephanie Schollaert Uz – [email protected]
Stephanie Schollaert Uz – [email protected]
NASA Earth Stories for Science On a Sphere, Mission: Aura
Sarah Crecelius – [email protected]
PBS SciGirls episode featuring CERES S'COOL project.
Kristyn Damadeo – [email protected]
InVestaGate CosmoQuest SIUE/Nicole Gugliucci 4/17/14
Insight Quake Catcher/Jane Houston Jones 4/16/14
Oso Landslide/Kay Ferrari 5/8/14
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May 2014 Submitted Nuggets
Gina Brissenden, Kimberly Kowal-Arcand – FETTU event at the Athlone School for the Blind
Dan McCallister/Google+ Hangouts for Pennsylvania Educators
Dan McCallister/Arts and Digital Media Career Day Event
Dan McCallister/USA Science and Engineering Festival 'Hyperwall" Presentation
Toshi Komatsu/ Kepler-186f
Toshi Komatsu/Kepler Art, Presentations, and Planets!
Toshi Komatsu/Kepler Presents at AAPT-NCNN
Bonnie Meinke/NASA Science4Girls…
Download[Do not use photos without permission].
This is a multi-page PPT showing a compilation of exciting E/PO efforts by the Van Allen Probes mission in 2014:
- Heliophysics Community of Practice
- Instrument Teams and Partner Missions Education Public Outreach
- Scientists and Engineers As Educators
- Van Allen Ambassadors: Reaching Native American and Rural Audiences
- Van Allen Ambassadors Go International! AstroDay, La Serena, Chile 2014
- Girl Power STEM Career Event: STEM Career…
Whitney Cobb/Visualizing Vesta
Tony Rice/2014 NCSEF
Jane Houston Jones/Jackson Elementary Insight PI & Outreach
Jane Houston Jones/18th Annual Webby Awards
Nicole Gugliucci/CosmoQuest Yuri's Night
Nicole Gugliucci/Earth or Not App iOS
Paige Graff/ARES Expedition Earth & Beyond Webinar
Andrew Shaner/LPI Cosmic Explora. Speakers Series
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Ginger Butcher ([email protected])
NASA Partners with LittleBits Electronics on STEM Activities, Mission: Aura, April 25, 2014
Tassia Owen ([email protected])
REEL Science Communication Contest, Missions: ICESat, Terra, and Aqua, April 30, 2014
Jan Heider ([email protected])
GLOBE- Furthering Science Education in the Near East and North Africa
Eric Brown de Colstoun ([email protected])
NASA Earth…
Download AttachmentsApril 2014 Submitted Nuggets
- Kathy Lestition, Kimberly Kowal-Arcand/HTE, Huntsville-Madison County Public Library in Huntsville, AL
- Bonnie Eisenhamer/Visualization Talk for University of Texas
- Bonnie Eisenhamer/Girl Power
- Bonnie Eisenhamer/JWST Junior Achievement Presentation
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Stephanie Renfrow – MAVEN Going to Mars Campaign
Alice Wessen – Earth Waves at Saturn and Cassini
Stephanie Renfrow – MAVEN RedPlanet ES Teacher PD
Winterton/Sherman – LADEE Teacher PD Workshop
Kim K. Arcand – FETTSS Cross-Forum
Andrea Jones – Lunar Workshops for Educators 2013
Download AttachmentsBrian Campbell, Know Your Earth 2014 Quiz Collection
- 25 participating Earth Science Missions
- Quizzes focus on current NASA Earth Science Research
- First quiz on Precipitation and the Water Cycle has been shared and played by thousands of people via social media.
Brian Campbell ([email protected])
Emily Schaller, Airborne Tropical Tropopause Experiment (ATTREX) Education and Public Outreach Guam 2014 Deployment
The NASA Airborne Tropical Tropopause…
Download AttachmentsFebruary 2014 Submitted Nuggets
Kimberly Kowal-Arcand/ Here.There.Everywhere. (Idaho)
Kimberly Kowal-Arcand/ Here.There.Everywhere. (4-H)
Gina Brissenden/ CAE
Bonnie Eisenhamer/ X-STEM Program at Bel Air Middle School
Bonnie Eisenhamer/ AAAS Science Netlinks Endorses Amazing Space
Lynn Cominsky/Tasty Active Galaxies Student Workshop
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Lin Chambers, Students' Cloud Observations On-Line (S'COOL) Turns 17!
- S'COOL began with a single Virginia middle school in January 1997 and has multilingual registered participants in all 50 state and 84 countries!
- K-12 students participate in authentic science, observing clouds at the same time the NASA Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) satellite passes overhead,
- S'COOL integrates elements of the Aqua, CALIPSO, CloudSat, Terra and NPP missions.
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