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43 projects

The Science Mission Directorate Education and Public Outreach portfolio includes products, events, and programs aligned with federal priorities that engage audiences in the story, the science, and the adventure of NASA’s scientific explorations of our home planet, the solar system, and the universe beyond. Here you will find links to project descriptions, including overviews, audiences served, reports, evaluation information, and more. The list of projects can be narrowed using the filters on the left specific to projects (keyword, primary audience, and secondary audience). Click on a project’s name to view that project’s details, including a description, contact information, website, and audiences.

Astromaterials Education/Solar System Science: Informal Professional Development

Astromaterials Education/Solar System Science: Informal Professional Development
These workshops and trainings for informal educators are developed thematically around the topics of solar system science and astromaterials. The participants are prepared to share the science appropriately with K-12 audiences by extending their knowledge and giving them hands-on experience with classroom activities. These are usually offered within a conference or larger professional development event.…

Dawn Mission: i C Ceres

The Dawn Mission E/C is planning to commemorate the arrival of the spacecraft at dwarf planet Ceres with a festival called i C Ceres. We plan to hold a flagship event in collaboration with NASA JPL on the Caltech Campus with both family-oriented activities and special speakers for a variety of audiences May 9, 2015.  Events throughout that weekend will be encouraged all over the country and the world, utilizing materials, special online presentations and resources highlighted on the…

Discovery and New Frontiers: "Small Worlds" section on the Discovery web site

Small Worlds is a section that was added to the Discovery Program website to convey a wealth of information about the many Discovery missions focused on asteroids and comets, why we explore, how we explore, what we have learned, and the importance of this knowledge.  The information is conveyed through text, images, jingles, and an audio feature called Image Impact. 

Discovery and New Frontiers: "Art and the Cosmic Connection"

"Art and the Cosmic Connection" is a curriculum that uses beautiful and compelling NASA images of planets, moons, and small bodies to help students understand and analyze what they see using the elements of art – shape, line, color, value, texture. After viewing images, students choose one image to draw with pastels, honing observation skills as they learn to look and look to learn. The activity is demonstrated in educator workshops and done with students during classroom visits.

Discovery and New Frontiers: "Space Thrills" Wall Sheet

Space Thrills! is a wall sheet intended for educators of students in grades K-4.  It is designed to be visually interesting to arouse curiosity about exploring our solar system and to teach about our solar system using language arts.  It is distributed to classrooms through the ERCs, at conferences, and upon request through the web site. Funds cover time spent to respond to requests through the web site. 

Discovery and New Frontiers: Mentor Training for NASA Space Science Days

Thematic training for college student-mentors preparing to lead a Discovery Program focused NASA Space Science Day event. The NSSD events are sponsored by an EPOESS grant to Charlie Galindo-ARES-JSC. The workshop offers mission content, hands-on experience with classroom activities, and strategies for implementing.

Discovery and New Frontiers: NASA Space Science Days

NASA Space Science Days (NSSD) is a science education outreach collaboration that includes NASA-JSC, Astromaterials Research and Exploration Science Directorate (ARES), the Discovery and New Frontiers Education Program, and The University of Texas at Brownsville, and Texas Southmost College.  The purpose is to encourage future generations to strive for excellence in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Teams of presenters share 10-15 hands-on science activities throughout…

Discovery and New Frontiers: National Afterschool Association Annual Conference

The annual National Afterschool Association convention attracts a wide range of out-of-school time educators. NASA's participation allows scientists and educator specialists to bring engaging science content to build informal educator skills. NASA participants offer workshops and staff an exhibit booth where they interact with informal educators and recommend teaching materials for use in their programs. 

Discovery and New Frontiers: Public Events

Public events take place in a variety of venues that attract adults and students and provide an opportunity to bring information about NASA, space exploration, and the missions to raise awareness, heighten curiosity, inform and inspire. In FY2012, D/NF funded and coordinated a NASA booth at the San Diego Festival of Science and Engineering, aimed at engaging students in STEM activities and helping them see themselves as scientists and engineers. Attendance was 26,000. The event included…

Discovery and New Frontiers: Support for the Solar System Ambassador/Educator Programs

DNF provides funds to support for the SSA/SSEP networks of volunteers and educators who bring mission science to their communities and students.  DNF funds cover mission participation in the program and distribution of handout materials to participants.  DNF funds help support a part-time student who works for the two programs. 

Discovery and New Frontiers: Thematic Workshops for Informal Educators

DNF thematic workshops for informal educators are a series of workshops designed specially for informal educators.  The workshops bring engaging, hands-on science activities adapted specifically for use in out-of-school time venues such as museums, science centers, afterschool programs.  DNF partners with education specialists to train informal educators at local, regional, and national conferences and events.

Discovery and New Frontiers: web sites

D/NF has two websites that provide current and historical information about the programs and the missions. The websites serve as the primary outreach tool to provide a wide array of information to the public, teachers, students, and mission personnel. The web sites are kept up to date with current news and ongoing updates.  The New Frontiers site was redesigned and updated with new content in FY'12.

EPOXI – Maryland Day

2012 marks the 14th annual MD Day, an annual open house for the University of Maryland (College Park). Colleges and departments are encouraged to "show-off" their research and educational programs via informal hands-on activities. EPOXI team members will be participating again demonstrating the mechanics of transiting exoplanets and building dry ice comets.

EPOXI: Amateur Observers’ Program

The Amateur Observers' Program (AOP) is a web resource that provides information and resources for beginner, intermediate, and advanced amateur astronomers. The site provides guidance for the public to locate and share images of small solar system bodies (comets and asteroids). Amateurs from around the world use the site as a resource connected to mission events.  Funds are for site maintenance and public events at amateur venues (clubs, star parties).

Here, There and Everywhere

The physical processes of our natural world are on constant display. They shape our surroundings on scales large and small. Across the Universe, Nature does the same.

This series helps us better understand cosmic phenomena by looking and studying what we see close to home. BECAUSE WHAT HAPPENS HERE, HAPPENS THERE, AND EVERYWHERE.

Juno: Education and Public Outreach through the Explore! Library Program
LPI will train librarians in rural states to use the Juno Explore! module of activities, and in solar system content, in collaboration with Juno scientists and education specialists. The librarians, in turn, will be prepared to conduct children's and family programs in  their own communities.  Funds support workshop delivery. 
Juno: JPL Outreach
Juno Outreach is handled at JPL, including the Juno NASA portal site, as well as Eyes on the Solar System,  Amateur Astronomy efforts.
Juno: Jupiter Observing Campaign

Professional and amateur astronomers plus interested members of the public invited to join the Jupiter Observation Campaign. A section of the mission website is dedicated to mission resources and educational material. Planetary observing tips are available as well.

Conduct three or more observing programs or observing events each year, including partnering with local libraries, astronomy clubs or science centers. Members are required to report events on the mission web site. Members…

LRO: International Observe the Moon Night

The International Observe the Moon Night is a public "Moon party" event that was held at 627 locations around the world on October 8 2011. Amateur astronomers and the general public are invited to participate in events that provide scientific context about the Moon, tweet up events, and telescope observations of the Moon. The International Observe the Moon Night is a collaborative project between LRO EPO, NASA Lunar Science Institute, Lunar and Planetary Institute, NASA ARC, GSFC and…

Mars Exploration Program: Outreach

This area supports the NASA Strategic Plan "Outreach to Stakeholders," and typically focuses per that document on public information and outreach related to NASA's Mars and Mars mission efforts, as well as cross-themed messages within SMD and between it and other Divisions (e.g., human exploration of Mars efforts by ESMD).  Included are pass-through events such as exhibits and public talks (including support for scientist/engineer involvement); web support, including content and…

Mars Exploration Program: MSL Curiosity: Sample Analysis at Mars Outreach Events

Sample Analysis at Mars outreach events: SAM scientists, engineers, and E/PO team members regularly participate in large public outreach events that reach hundreds to thousands of people.

Mars Rover Model Celebration

This project aims to incorporate up-to-date SMD education resources and science and mission data relating to NASA’s explorations of Mars into the Mars Rover Celebration (MRC), an existing low-cost curriculum enhancement program for grades 3-8. The MRC prototype focuses on the adventure of learning and discovery, asking participating teams to propose their own scientific mission to Mars, design a rover to carry it out, and present a mock-up at an open house. The overarching goal of this…

MESSENGER: Mosaic Postcards web-based materials

The MESSENGER K-12 education and public outreach (E/PO) efforts encompass teacher professional development and web-available content-based curriculum for K-12 students and educators. The Educator Fellowship program trains educators who commit to conducting teacher professional development using high-quality educational materials featuring mission-related themes. The objective of the MESSENGER E/PO program is to prepare classroom teachers across the nation to incorporate high-quality,…

NAI: Biosignatures Exhibit (WISC)

This project delivers astrobiology information to the general public.  Its purpose is to excite and engage the public in an interactive debate experience featuring scientists in an informal education setting.  Future presentations in this series will be podcast and made publically available.

NASA Family Science Night

Family Science Night (FSN) is a curriculum in which middle- school-aged children and their families explore the importance of STEM in our daily lives by engaging in activities that make these concepts more practical and approachable. It covers a broad range of topics, from basic scientific processes to specific concepts such as the electromagnetic spectrum, the life cycles of stars, the reasons for Earth’s seasons, exploration of the Moon, and the ways in which we detect and study…

NLSI: Explore the Moon! Engaging Young Explorers in Library Programs Librarian Training (SwRI/LPI)

Explore the Moon! is a library program in which a team of NLSI SwRI and LPI education specialists and scientists are training children's librarians in CO, WY, MT, ID, ND, and SD to engage their communities in NLSI science and exploration. The training encompasses content discussions, exploration of how to engage children in science,  the use of hands-on inquiry based resources, and network planning.  

NLSI: International Observe the Moon Night-Boulder, CO

Set up telescopes on the Pearl Street Pedestrian Mall in Boulder, CO.  Handed out flyers describing NASA Lunar Science and let people look through telescopes.  Night was pretty cloudy but still got "peeks" at the moon and people liked looking through telescopes.

OSIRIS-REx Fly me to an Asteroid! name collection program

Fly me to an Asteroid! (working title), run jointly with The Planetary Society, solicits names of individuals for etching onto a chip to fly on the spacecraft. The purpose of this project is to collect names from the public, etch the names onto a chip, place the chip in the sample return capsule for a trip to and from the asteroid, engage the public in the mission and increase interest in asteroids and science. TPS will collect names from entrants, Lockheed Martin will lead efforts to…

OSIRIS-REx Presents Great Balls of Fire! exhibit and OSIRIS-REx Presents Asteroid Academy! field trips

Visit to the Exhibit: OSIRIS-REx hosts the OSIRIS-REx Presents Great Balls of Fire! exhibit at the University of Arizona, include additional exhibit materials related to the mission, and run the OSIRIS-REx Presents Asteroid Academy! school field trips to the exhibit. The exhibit and field trips will take place during the fall months of 2012 with OSIRIS-REx Ambassadors facilitating school field trips (grades 5-8) for underserved audiences. Evaluation of the exhibit, audience feedback,…

Solar Dynamics Observatory – The Sunday Experiment

Join us at the sunday experiment and learn about all the cool science and engineering going on right now at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Take part in hands on activities, meet scientists, engineers, and super cool people like us! You can even load up on free stuff, and more.

Space Place website

The Space Place program includes web site for elementary school children as well as a museum display program and partnerships with amateur astronomy clubs and newspapers.  The Space Place web site makes SMD content accessible to a variety of audiences including elementary school age kids, Spanish speakers, amateur astronomers, and teachers.  The Space Place web site is available in both English and Spanish, in upper elementary language; the Space place museum display is in over 350…

Stardust NExT Website

The Stardust-NExT website includes up-to-date resources and information of thematic comet content and mission specific multimedia and educational materials. Secondary pages include details of mission, science, technology, multimedia, education, community and "get involved" pages. The homepage includes features, timelines and links to where is the spacecraft is now, mission status reports, media releases and scientist/engineer interviews.

Stardust NExT: "Comet Cratering" at JPL Open House

Stardust-NExT, EPOXI, and Rosetta mission will combine resources at the annual JPL Open House event. Exhibit will feature a "Comet Cratering" activity, models of asteroids, meteorite collection, spacecraft models and science data. Personnel from all missions will be on-hand to talk with public.

Stardust NExT: Comet Outreach Events

In February, 2011 Stardust spacecraft will encounter comet Tempel 1. In support of this event a number of outreach events are planned at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory as well as New York/Cornell and several other sites around the country, TBD.

Stardust NExT: Solar System Night Boards

Reprint: Combines the same data used on Solar System Night Boards and will introduce the Stardust-NExT and EPOXI websites in preparation for encounter in Nov. 2010 and February 2011.

Stardust-NExT Encounter Events

Working closely with the NASA/JPL Ambassadors Program, Solar System Educator network, Museum Alliance Network and Space Place Networks Encounter events will be organized around the country at informal science centers and museums. Stardust-NExT will connect informal educators with related resources for each event including scientists, speakers, animation, educators. Events will be as detailed as having mission personal on-site or virtually, Twitter postings, and/or Skype teleconferences…

Stardust-NExT: "Eyes on the Solar System" – Stardust

"Eyes on the Solar System" is a 3-D environment full of real NASA mission data. Explore the cosmos from your computer. Hop on an asteroid. Fly with NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft. See the entire solar system moving in real time. It's up to you. You control space and time.

Stardust-NExT: Comet Interactive

Comet Interactive was designed to introduce all levels of user to comets. Information includes overview of comets in a 3:41 second video documentary provided to the mission by; Comet Life Cycle section where user can view the changes which occur as a comet as it travels on its orbit; Comet Anatomy section which demonstrates the various components of a comet; and a Comet Specifications section highlighting Comets Borrelly, Wild 2, Tempel 1, 67P, and Hartley. This section shows…