MMS: EPO Website

Program Element / Activity Title:
MMS: EPO Website
E/PO Project Name:
Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission
Contact Information Shown to the Public:
Code 672
Greenbelt, MD 20771
Program Element / Activity Website:
Program Element / Activity Partners within NASA:
DeLee Smith, GSFC webperson, Troy Cline, MMS, Hilarie Davis
Short Description for Projects Page:

The E/PO section of the MMS website is specifically designed for number of MMS E/PO audiences and hosts a growing collection of lesson plans, activities, games, Interactives, podcasts, video clips and social media links, while highlighting the contributions, accomplishments and career paths of mission personnel. The MMS social media team works closely with the GSFC Office of Communications and NASA’s existing social media networks to reach the target audiences.

Program Element / Activity Image / Visual:
Screenshot of the MMS EPO Website
Program Element / Activity Status
Audience Metrics
Who is the primary audience of your program element / activity?:
National Priorities and Coordination Approaches as Articulated in CoSTEM:
  • Improve STEM Instruction
  • Increase and Sustain Youth and Public Engagement in STEM
What are the goals and objectives of your program element / activity?:
Website users will have access to educational activities and resources on MMS mission and science in text, video and audio resources
What is the design of the evaluation process for your program element / activity?:
Reports by teachers, photos, observation at booths and other activities with students
What are the main impacts of your effort to date and how do they correlate to the project’s goals and objectives:
Students are very engaged and interested in the structure and function of the spacecraft and build accurate models
Have your evaluation findings / impacts been published? If so, where?: