Heliophysics Community of Practice for Formal Educators

Program Element / Activity Title:
Heliophysics Community of Practice for Formal Educators
E/PO Project Name:
Contact Information Shown to the Public:
Nancy Alima Ali, Multiverse, Space Sciences Laboratory, UC Berkeley, 7 Guass Way, MC 7450, Berkeley, CA 04720-7450; (510) 643-0012
Program Element / Activity Website:
Program Element / Activity Partners within NASA:
Van Allen Probes E/PO, Heliophysics SMD E/PO Forum
Short Description for Projects Page:

The Heliophysics Community of Practice for Formal Educators is a multi-mission effort led by THEMIS-ARTEMIS E/PO and supported by the Van Allen Probes E/PO, IBEX E/PO and the Heliophysics Forum. The Community of Practice provides professional development opportunities for middle and high school teachers across the country to learn more about current heliophysics research and incorporate it into their classroom. 

Program Element / Activity Status
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Audience Metrics
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