EPOXI – Maryland Day

Program Element / Activity Title:
EPOXI – Maryland Day
E/PO Project Name:
EPOXI Education and Public Outreach
Contact Information Shown to the Public:
Lori Feaga
Department of Astronomy
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
[email protected]
Program Element / Activity Website:
Short Description for Projects Page:

2012 marks the 14th annual MD Day, an annual open house for the University of Maryland (College Park). Colleges and departments are encouraged to "show-off" their research and educational programs via informal hands-on activities. EPOXI team members will be participating again demonstrating the mechanics of transiting exoplanets and building dry ice comets. http://www.marylandday.umd.edu/

Program Element / Activity Status
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Other missions have participated in MD Day. I don’t know how they list it in their outreach. It’s like JPL Open House, but this is for the University of Maryland and lots of colleges/departments participate. Astronomy Department has had Deep Impact and EPOXI team members over the past 10 years. Missions led by GSFC have also participated/ had displays. Not sure if it’s a collaboration or just an event in which we participate!
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