Cassie Soeffing Cassie Soeffing

  February 2014 Earth Science E/PO Nuggets

Updated on March 7, 2014 – 2:50 PM CST
Posted on March 7, 2014 – 2:45 PM CST

Tags: General Public | NASA Headquarters | SMD E/PO Community | Nuggets

Lin Chambers, Students' Cloud Observations On-Line (S'COOL) Turns 17!

  • S'COOL began with a single Virginia middle school in January 1997 and has multilingual registered participants in all 50 state and 84 countries!
  • K-12 students participate in authentic science, observing clouds at the same time the NASA Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) satellite passes overhead,
  • S'COOL integrates elements of the Aqua, CALIPSO, CloudSat, Terra and NPP missions.

Lin Chambers ([email protected])

Margaret Pippen, LEARN Data Meeting (Long-term Engagement in Authentic Research with NASA)

  • On February 2, 2014 A virtual meeting with 10 teachers and scientists mentors from NASA LaRC was held,
  • Teachers will research various topics including aerosols, ozone, epidemiology, CO2 and Oceans using data from:
    • ARCTAS,
    • CALIPSO,
    • AERONET,
    • SeaWifs,
    • MODIS,
    • and other US Government agencies including the EPA and NOAA.

Margaret Pippin ([email protected])

Kristen Weaver, Global Precipitation Measurement Mission (GPM) Launch Parties at NASA Goddard Visitor Center, February 27, 2014.

Events held around the country witht the launch of GPM included:

  • formal education programs at NASA Goddard Visitor Center,
  • social functions included presentations to over 200 members of general public, Science on a Sphere presentations of "Water Falls", hands-on activities, and watching the successful launch,
  • dozens of launch parties were held around the country
  • schools were able to join the activities held at GSFC virtually.

Kristen Weaver ([email protected])

Dorian Janney, Global Precipitation Measurement Mission (GPM) Citizen Science "Rain Gauge Project" also launches

  • GPM is woking cooperatively with the GLOBE Program and CoCoRaHS to engage schools in Citizen Science
  • Rain gauges have been installed across the country to measure precipitation,
  • Collaboration with teachers sharing experiences has occured virtually,
  • Face-to-face trainings with a GSFC GLOBE Program trainer will occur in March.

Dorian Janney ([email protected])

