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  Special Event – March 5th Women @ Energy and Women @ NASA Google+ Hangout and Tweet Up

Posted on February 28, 2014 – 9:28 AM CST

Tags: Elementary | Families | General Public | High School | Educator | Outreach | Social Media


NASA and the Energy Department are teaming up on Wednesday, March 5, 2014  at 1pm EST to host a Google+ Hangout, showcasing women in STEM at NASA and Energy that are changing the world and addressing the serious shortage of women and girls engaged in STEM fields in the United States, and showcasing strong role models for students of all genders.

Dr. Katie Gallagher, from NASA’s Office of the Chief Technologist will moderate a conversation for students, teachers, parents, and STEM educators. Director Dot Harris, Office of Economic Impact and Diversity at the Department of Energy, will be on the line with Dr. Rebecca Spyke-Keiser, Associate Deputy Administrator for Strategy and Policy at NASA; Jill Fuss, Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Stephanie Stilson , Engineer at Kennedy Space Center and NASA Headquarters, and a class at Andrew Jackson Middle School in Titusville, Florida, to discuss ways to find role models for young people in STEM fields and answer questions from students and the general public about STEM careers.

Join Women @ Energy  and Women @ NASA  to hear from women role models leading the way in transformative science, innovation, cutting-edge research, and combating climate change.

Ask your question in advance by emailing [email protected] or by tweeting with #WomeninSTEM and join us on March 5  for this exciting event.