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44 people

The Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Education and Public Outreach (E/PO) Community consists of individuals who develop and implement education and public outreach activities using SMD’s content, expertise, and facilities to share the story, the science, and the adventure of NASA’s scientific explorations of our home planet, the solar system, and the universe beyond. The community includes the SMD and science division leadership, SMD mission E/PO teams, programs such as NASA Astrobiology Institute and NASA Lunar Science Institute, grantees funded by SMD to conduct E/PO activities, and projects such as GLOBE.

If you would like to learn more about the Forums or SMD E/PO, please contact the lead of the Forum that most closely aligns with the scientific theme of your research or educational program:

Nancy Alima Ali
Multiverse, Space Sciences Laboratory, UC Berkeley

Andrea Angrum
Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Don Boonstra

Julia Brazas
University of Chicago
[email protected]
Carolyn Brinkworth
Spitzer Science Center / IPAC

Sanlyn Buxner
Planetary Science Institute
[email protected]
Whitney Cobb
McREL International
[email protected]
Lynn Cominsky
Sonoma State University

Sarah Crecelius

Edna DeVore
SETI Institute

Sarah Eyermann
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Julie Feldt
University of Michigan
Renee Frappier
University of California, Berkeley

Alyssa Gilbert
The University of Western Ontario
Nicole Gugliucci
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Suzy Gurton
Astronomical Society of the Pacific

Jaime Harold
Space Science Institute
Karin Hauck
Space Sciences Laboratory, UC Berkeley

Mary Kay Hemenway
University of Texas – Austin
[email protected]
Vivian Hoette
Yerkes Observatory, University of Chicago
Dorian Janney
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Karen Knierman
Arizona State University
Kimberly Land
NASA Earth System Science Pathfinder Program
Brandon Lawton
Space Telescope Science Institute

Barbara Mattson
Shannon McConnell
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Bonnie Meinke
Space Telescope Science Institute

earthscience member
Lunar and Planetary Institute

Sara Mitchell
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Gary Nakagiri
SETI Institute
[email protected]
(650) 969-4512 (SETI Institute)
Andi Nelson

Carolyn Peruta
Sonoma State University
Claire Raftery
University of California at Berkeley
[email protected]

Patricia Reiff
Rice University

daniella scalice
NASA Astrobiology Institute

Stephanie Shipp
Lunar and Planetary Institute
[email protected]
Christine Shupla
Lunar and Planetary Institute
Anna Spitz
University of Arizona

Terry Teays
Johns Hopkins University

Christie Thomas
University of Chicago
[email protected]

Leitha Thrall
Multiverse, Space Sciences Laboratory, UC Berkeley

Darlene Yan
University of California, Berkeley