Welcome to the NASA Science Mission Directorate Education and Public Outreach Community Workspace!

This workspace provides resources to assist individuals funded by NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) in carrying out their SMD education and public outreach programs. Program leads and team members should login to post announcements and calendar events, share work in progress, and participate in group discussions. Information and documents that may be of interest to all, such as tips for getting involved in SMD education and public outreach and meeting notes, may be accessed without logging into the workspace. This site is hosted by the NASA SMD Science Education and Public Outreach Forums.

Community Announcements

Solar System Ambassadors Program Announcement of Opportunity

Related topics:

Become an Ambassador to your community! Highly motivated individuals will be given the opportunity to represent JPL as Solar System Ambassadors to the public for a one-year, renewable term beginning January 1, 2011. Applications for the program will be accepted from September 1 through September 30, 2010.

View the announcement of opportunity online here: http://www2.jpl.nasa.gov/ambassador/AO.html

Fill out an application here:

NASA Space Weather Media Viewer

Related topics:

As a partner in the redevelopment of the Space Weather Media Viewer, The Voyager Project has supported education of the 3D Heliosphere and the Solar Cycle. By producing and supplying new, innovative illustrations and explanations of the inner and outer heliosphere and scientist interviews, the Voyager and IBEX missions tell a more complete story of the Heliosphere. Please go to http://sunearth.gsfc.nasa.gov/spaceweather/FlexApp/bin-debug/index.html# go to video and choose Heliosphere from the drop down menu to view the interview by Dr.

American Geophysical Union (AGU) abstracts due September 2nd!

Related topics:

Abstract Deadline: September 2, 2010 (23:59 EDT)

The abstract on-line submission form and submittal instructions are available from the AGU Web site at http://www.agu.org/meetings/fm10/. AGU policy allows one “education” abstract to be submitted in addition to a “science” abstract. If you are not a member of AGU, an AGU member may sponsor you to submit an abstract.

Forum News

YSS Science Series Webinar: Exoplanets, a Play in Four Parts

Related topics:

Topic: Exoplanets, a play in four parts
Date: Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Time: 12:30pm PT / 1:30pm MT / 2:30pm CT / 3:30pm ET
Meeting Number: 992 711 567
Meeting Password: iges*123

Part I: How do we find Exoplanets? What have we found?
Part II: How do we know what individual exoplanets are like?
Part III: What have we learned about individual exoplanets so far?
Part IV: What are the future plans for studying exoplanets?

[NASA Helio E/PO] News and Announcements 2012_09_21

1. NOVA Sun Lab and educator webinar
2. NASA Probes Record Sounds of Space – NPR Story
3. NSTA Webinar on Practices in Preparation for the NGSS – Developing and Using Models
4. SMD E/PO Community Participation at ASTC Conference
5. World Space Week – Oct 4-10 (Attachment)
6. Advertise Upcoming NASA Earth and Space Science Education Events – Due Sept 24

Act Now – Upcoming Deadlines / Events
• Oct. 1 – Proposals Due – National Afterschool Association Annual Conference http://www.naaweb.org/default.asp?contentID=705

[NASA Helio E/PO] News and Announcements 2012_09_11

1. Notice of Intent for SMD Product Review Due Sept 17
2. Session Proposals Now Being Accepted – NSTA 2013-2014 Conferences
3. 2013 Alan Shepard Technology in Education Awards (Apply by Jan. 14)
4. Center for Astronomy Education (CAE) Introductory Astronomy & Space Teaching Excellence Workshops

Act Now – Upcoming Deadlines / Events
• Sept. 10 – Applications Due – 2012 GIFT Workshop Presenters http://nestanet.org/agu_gift_form.php
• Sept. 17 – NOI Due – NASA SMD Product Review http://nasareviews.strategies.org/index.html