Welcome to the NASA Science Mission Directorate Education and Public Outreach Community Workspace!

This workspace provides resources to assist individuals funded by NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) in carrying out their SMD education and public outreach programs. Program leads and team members should login to post announcements and calendar events, share work in progress, and participate in group discussions. Information and documents that may be of interest to all, such as tips for getting involved in SMD education and public outreach and meeting notes, may be accessed without logging into the workspace. This site is hosted by the NASA SMD Science Education and Public Outreach Forums.

Community Announcements

43rd LPSC – Peripheral Meeting Requests – Deadline Dec 2

Related topics:

If you are considering holding a peripheral meeting during the week of the 43rd LPSC, you MUST complete the Peripheral Meeting Request Form online. Due to the enormous growth of this conference and the complexities of scheduling space, we are requesting that all meetings be requested via this form.

Please also note that the deadline to request space is Friday, December 2 [5:00 p.m. Central Standard Time (GMT -6)].

GSA Planetary Geology Division’s 2012 Dwornik Awards for Students

Dear Colleagues,

Please encourage your students who are attending and presenting as first author at the 2012 LPSC meeting in The Woodlands, Texas, to consider applying for the 2012 Stephen E. Dwornik Award for the best student presentations. Awards are given for both oral and poster presentations, with separate awards for graduate ($500 plus plaque) and undergraduate students ($250 plus plaque).

43rd LPSC – Call for Abstracts – Deadline Jan 10, 2012

The 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference will be held March 19–23, 2012, at The Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel and Convention Center, located at 1601 Lake Robbins Drive, The Woodlands, Texas, just north of Houston’s George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH).

Forum News

[NASA Helio E/PO] News and Announcements 2010_09_03

Dear Heliophysics E/PO Community,

1. Newly-Selected Education and Outreach Supplemental Awards
2. Job Opening: Director of Education at NASA’s Dryden Flight Research Center (applications due Sept. 7)
3. SMD Planning to Advertise E/PO Lead Position

1. Newly-Selected Education and Outreach Supplemental Awards

[NASA Helio E/PO] News and Announcements 2010_08_17

Dear Helio E/PO Community,

1. Community Comments Regarding the NRC Draft Conceptual Framework for New Science Education Standards
2. NASA’s One Stop Shopping Initiative Stakeholders’ Summit Meeting
3. SMD Science Plan Approved
4. AAAS Early Career Award for Public Engagement with Science Nomination. Deadline: 15 October
5. AGU E/PO Sessions – Abstracts Due September 2!
6. Job Opening: Education, Outreach, and Communications Specialist at LASP
7. Job Opening: Aerospace Scholars Education Specialist

International Observe the Moon Night Website is Live!