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This tab contains the majority of the content on the site (posts and events) about the efforts of the Science Mission Directorate (SMD) Education and Public Outreach (E/PO) Community to share the story, the science, and the adventure of NASA’s scientific explorations of our home planet, the solar system, and the universe beyond. The content can be filtered in several ways to narrow down what you see using the filters on the left sidebar, allowing you to navigate to specific content quickly and easily!

This Earth Science Week, join thousands across the country on a special mission to explore Earth’s connected systems, contribute to citizen science, participate in educator webinars and engage with NASA Earth scientists.

NEW for the 2014 Earth Science Week…




Be part of a real NASA experiment!    One and all are invited to become a “Citizen Scientist” from Oct. 12-18 and contribute to NASA science while learning about clouds and how they affect our…

Theresa Schwerin Theresa Schwerin

  Launch Earth Science Week with NASA!

October 7, 2014 – 10:51 AM CDT

The Oct. 12-18 Earth Science Week is quickly approaching and we need you to help spread the word on NASA events and resources for all ages.  Please share the following information on NASA Earth Science Week activities with your networks and educators! 

FYI – Shareables on #SkyScience are available at the following Flickr album: 

Scroll to the bottom and attached is a document with shareable messages for social media about NASA ESW…
